This volume is the outcome of a 2-year research process.
Ample empirical evidence points to recent power shifts in multiple areas of international relations taking place between industrialized countries and emerging powers, as well as between states and non-state actors. However, there is a dearth of theoretical interpretation and synthesis of these findings, and a growing need for coherent approaches to understand and measure the transformation.
This book analyses the evolution of the relationship since the watershed moment of the Crimean crisis in 2014, and whether or not a full-blown military alliance, as hinted in late 2020 by President Putin, is indeed a realistic scenario for which NATO will have to prepare.
The overall aim is to discuss and possibly blend different approaches and provide new frameworks for understanding global affairs and the governance of global power shifts.
A particular focus of this volume lies on defense-industrial and military-strategic aspects of Sino-Russian cooperation, as these are especially sensitive areas that require a large amount of trust. They also hold the strongest implications for the question of what military synergies could be exploited by Russia and China and how likely the forming of a military alliance (in substance if not in name) ultimately is.
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