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Signing of Memorandum of Understanding in Djibouti

Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Diplomatic Institute strengthen their cooperation

On 24th January 2024, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) consolidated its existing cooperation with the Institute for Diplomatic Studies (Institut d'études diplomatiques, IED) of the Republic of Djibouti in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The agreement was signed by Dr Gerhard Wahlers, Deputy Secretary General of KAS, and Mohamed Abdoulkader Moussa, Director of IED. The signing ceremony was attended by Dr Heike Fuller, Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Djibouti, and Yacin Houssein Doualé, Ambassador of the Republic of Djibouti in Berlin, as well as other representatives of KAS and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

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The IED is a department of the Djiboutian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI). As a regional training centre in the field of International Relations, it focuses on training executives from the Djiboutian MAECI as well as diplomats from the East African state organisation IGAD (Intergovernmental Authority on Development). Furthermore, the institute also offers training for leadership candidates from the public, semi-public and private sector.

The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung is active in the Horn of Africa region through the Regional Programme Security Dialogue for East Africa (RP SIPODI East Africa), headed by Nils Wörmer. Based in Kampala, Uganda, this programme has been working with the IED and other Djiboutian organisations and think tanks since June 2023. Experts and representatives of the foundation are regularly visiting Djibouti to implement project work and Djiboutian representatives take part in KAS events in other countries on the African continent and in Europe.

The MoU was signed during a delegation visit by Dr Gerhard Wahlers to the Horn of Africa, which began in Mogadishu, Somalia, and led via the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa to Djibouti. He was accompanied on this trip by Henning Speck, Foreign and Security Policy Adviser in the CDU/CSU parliamentary group in the German Bundestag, and Paruvana Volkmann, Advisor in the Foundation's Executive Office.

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Nils Wörmer

Nils Wörmer

Head of Regional Programme Security Dialogue for East Africa +49 30 26996-3802


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