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Specialist conference

Workshop on Security in Electoral Contexts

Strengthening Security Forces for Safe Elections in Côte d'Ivoire

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), through its Regional Program SIPODI West, is organizing a series of capacity-building workshops for defense and security forces under the theme "Security in Electoral Contexts."


Together for Safe and Democratic Elections: Security Dialogue in the Run-up to the Elections

Promoting peace and electoral transparency through dialogue and local consultation in Côte d'Ivoire

The project "Together for Safe and Democratic Elections: Dialogue for Security Ahead of Elections" aims to reduce electoral tensions in Côte d'Ivoire by promoting social cohesion and participatory dialogue. Taking place in four key cities – Kong, Katiola, Gagnoa, and San Pedro – the initiative brings together security forces, local authorities, community leaders, women, youth, and civil society. The goal is to prevent electoral conflicts, promote transparency, and ensure inclusive elections.

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Atelier régional des journalistes et communicants spécialisés dans les questions de défense et de sécurité.

Rôle de la presse dans l'appropriation et la dissémination des politiques de sécurité en Afrique subsaharienne

Le Programme pour le Dialogue sur la Sécurité en Afrique subsaharienne (SIPODI) de la Fondation, en charge d’initiative, a pu observer que les politiques de sécurité (outils et instruments…) nationaux, transnationaux et internationaux élaborées par les Etats et/ou les institutions ne sont souvent pas accessibles aux journalistes, aux hommes de presse et aux communicants. Cette situation est à l’origine de la méconnaissance des enjeux de sécurité et des défis inhérents au traitement de l’information et de la communication spécialisée par les hommes des médias. Le Programme SIPODI interpelle, à juste titre ces derniers, en tant que vecteurs d’opinion afin qu’ils deviennent des promoteurs du renforcement de stabilité politique et de promotion de la paix et de la sécurité en Afrique et dans le monde.


La KAS forme la police républicaine béninoise en amont de la présidentielle

KAS/SIPODI outille la police républicaine et les élus locaux dans la perspective de la présidentielle d'avril 2021

La Fondation Konrad Adenauer a lancé à Cotonou le lundi 08 février 2021 et pour une semaine, ses traditionnels séminaires de formation itinérants à l'endroit des officiers de la police republicaine sur la gestion de la sécurité en context électoral.

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Stakeholder Meeting 2025: Elections, Human Rights and Strengthening Democracy

Launch of the 2025 activities in Côte d'Ivoire: discussions on elections, human rights and democracy with experts and key players in the electoral process

The Stakeholder Meeting on January 31, 2025 in Côte d'Ivoire marked the start of the year's activities by bringing together various stakeholders to discuss elections and human rights. Ms. Namizata SANGARÉ, President of the CNDH-CI, gave a keynote speech on the importance of respecting democratic principles in electoral processes. The Independent Electoral Commission (CEI) donated 50 books on the normative framework of elections, which were distributed to participants to enhance their understanding of the electoral process. This meeting fostered exchanges between stakeholders and laid the foundations for future initiatives in favor of democracy, peace and human rights in Côte d'Ivoire.

KAS SIPODI West soutient le programme de formation académique de l'AFA

Strengthening Military Excellence: Strategic Training, Academic Partnerships, and International Cooperation for Enhanced Security and Democratic Stability in Côte d'Ivoire

The regional program Security Policy Dialogue West Africa (SIPODI West) of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) supports the training of Ivorian military elites in partnership with the Armed Forces Academy (AFA) of Côte d'Ivoire. Through scholarships and seminars, it supports the Master's Degree in Governance, Defense and Security with the Alassane Ouattara University of Bouaké. In 2024, the 5th graduating class of the CESD, made up of 22 officers of 13 nationalities, graduated in the presence of high-ranking civil and military authorities. The Staff Courses also closed their session in June, reaffirming the partners' commitment to strengthening cooperation. In 2025, SIPODI West will continue to support the AFA through scholarships and the funding of seminars to consolidate the strategic and intellectual training of the armed forces.

Conference of military and parliament on the principles of security cooperation

First conference of security authorities and parliament of Ivory Coast to strengthen security cooperation against new threats.

On November 28 and 29, 2024, the first major Army-Parliamentary Conference of the Defense and Security Commission (CDS) took place in Yamoussoukro, organized by the SIPODI Program of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. Senior officers from the Ivorian Armed Forces, Gendarmerie, Police, and ministry representatives engaged in discussions with parliamentarians on security cooperation to combat emerging threats. Topics included counterterrorism, parliamentary oversight of intelligence services, and illicit resource trafficking. The conference aimed to enhance collaboration between the military and parliament.

Development of a network of think tanks on the topic of security

15 and 16 November 2024 in Dakar/Senegal

On 15 and 16 November 2024, a meeting was held at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation office in Dakar, Senegal, to lay the foundations for a network of think tanks on security. Organised against the backdrop of growing security-related challenges (terrorism, cyber security, etc.), the event brought together researchers, experts and civil society actors with a common goal: to promote a collaborative and multidisciplinary approach to tackling current challenges. The discussions took place over two days and were organised into plenary sessions, workshops and group discussions.

7th Conference of the Network of African Parliamentarians

Members of the Defence and Security Committees (REPAM-CDS)

From 9 to 11 October 2024, the 7th Conference of the Network of African Parliamentarians who are Members of Defence and Security Committees (REPAM-CDS) took place at the Golden Palace Hotel in Grand-Bassam, Côte d'Ivoire. The conference was organised by the Executive Office of REPAM-CDS in cooperation with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and brought together around 60 parliamentarians from 17 countries and nine security experts. The theme of the conference was: "Parliamentary dialogue on regional foreign and security policy in the fight against terrorism: challenges and opportunities."

International Security Conference

23 and 24 September 2024 at the Palm Club Hotel in Cocody

The panels highlighted the major challenges related to insecurity in the Sahel, migration flows, violent extremism and their economic impact in coastal West African countries, with a particular focus on Côte d'Ivoire.

Training young people for peace and security: Strengthening resilience in the face of threats

Building the capacities of young people for peace and security: An initiative of RAMP-BENIN supported by SIPODI West to combat extremism and promote stability in Benin.

The "Hundred Women, Youth for Peace and Security (HWY4PS)" program, initiated by RAMP-BENIN and supported by the SIPODI West, took place from July to September 2024 in three cities in Benin. Its objective was to strengthen the capacities of 100 young people in the areas of security, peace and the fight against terrorism. Nine training sessions were organized with experts and researchers to make participants aware of security issues and prevent their vulnerability to extremist networks. The training ended on September 21, on the International Day of Peace, with an official ceremony in Abomey-Calavi in the presence of the SIPODI West Program, local authorities and ECOWAS. The young people who took part in the training received a certificate and the partners reaffirmed their commitment to continue these actions for peace and security.

Operation Mirador: Enhanced Synergy between the General Staff of Benin and SIPODI West

Seminar: Evaluating Operation Mirador in the fight against terrorism in northern Benin

The General Staff of Benin takes a look back at the Operation Watchtower carried out on the country's northern borders as part of the fight against terrorism. KAS SIPODI West, a strategic partner of the Beninese Army, provided support for the organization of this seminar.

Parliamentary seminar

"West Africa facing the challenges of regional foreign and security policy: What place for Côte d'Ivoire?"

From 11 to 14 June 2024, a parliamentary seminar was held at the Universal Hotel in Yamoussoukro, organised by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in partnership with the Defence and Security Committee of the National Assembly of Côte d'Ivoire. Entitled "West Africa facing the challenges of regional foreign and security policy: what place for Côte d'Ivoire?" , the event brought together parliamentarians, experts and security actors to analyse the growing security challenges and opportunities for regional cooperation.

Café Geopolitique

The first edition of the "Matinales Géopolitiques"

On 3 and 4 June 2024, the first edition of the "Matinales Géopolitiques" took place at the University of Alassane Ouattara in Bouaké, organised under the motto "Africa in the face of current conflict dynamics ". This initiative, supported by the Laboratoire d'Études Politiques et de Communication (LEPAC) in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, brought together academics, experts and participants to analyse the geopolitical and security challenges in Africa.

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