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Nachhaltige Friedensformel: Das deutsch-französische Friedensmodell (Teil 1)


Die deutsch-französische Friedensformel erforderte viele Jahre der Anstrengung und Ausdauer und verdankt ihren Erfolg beiden Staaten und ihren Völkern, die sie zu einem Musterbeispiel für die Überwindung von Feindseligkeiten und die Erreichung dauerhaften Friedens in der modernen Welt gemacht haben. In der ersten Sendung des Projekts 'Nachhaltige Friedensformel' haben wir gemeinsam mit dem Politikwissenschaftler Armen Minasyan die Ursprünge der deutsch-französischen Versöhnung sowie die zentralen Prinzipien und Werte, die das deutsch-französische Friedensmodell ausmachen, diskutiert. Das Projekt wird vom 'Insight' Analytical Center und der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung durchgeführt.


“Georgian Dream” turns into a nightmare

The Georgian government is rapidly turning away from the Euro-Atlantic course. But civil society and the opposition are not giving up.

“Foreign Agents Law”, “Offshore Law” and intensified cooperation with China - fundamental political changes are emerging in Georgia. The ruling party “Georgian Dream” has taken the West by surprise with its rapid autocratization. The overwhelmingly pro-European population has been taking to the streets on a historic scale for weeks to protest against these developments. However, the government remains unimpressed and continues the confrontation. The developments are not just about the much-cited “Foreign Agents Law”, but about larger geopolitical shifts in the region. The stakes are high for the West.

Statement der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion

Stellv. Fraktionsvorsitzende Lips zum „Gesetz über ausländische Einflussnahme“ in Georgien: Georgiens Regierung muss Gesetz über ausländische Einflussnahme zurücknehmen. Regelung absolut unvereinbar mit EU-Mitgliedschaft

Statement about the Draft Law on "Transparency of Foreign Influence"

Statement by the German Political Foundations about the draft law on "Transparency of Foreign Influence"

Einschätzungen zur aktuellen Situation in Georgien

Stephan Malerius, Leiter des Regionalprogramms Politischer Dialog Südkaukasus, informiert in folgenden Interviews und Artikeln zur aktuellen Situation in Georgien:


Georgian own goal

The law on agents greets us every year: A controversial project is to be passed in the Georgian parliament at the second attempt

In March, the Georgian national soccer team's historic qualification for the European Championship in Germany briefly made us forget the deep rifts that have been running through the political landscape in Georgia for years. However, when the ruling Georgian Dream party pulled an agent law out of the drawer at the beginning of April, which had to be withdrawn last year after massive protests, the rifts are back, and they seem deeper than ever. At first glance, the erratic initiative, just a few months before the parliamentary elections in Georgia, seems like a classic own goal.


Nothing new in Baku

Incumbent Ilham Aliyev was declared the winner of the presidential elections in Azerbaijan with an overwhelming result. Only the president's vote itself caused a stir.

The start of the "super election year" 2024 had hardly any surprises in store. According to the official results, the incumbent Ilham Aliyev emerged as the clear winner of the early presidential elections in Azerbaijan on February 7. With this election victory, Aliyev has further consolidated his power and will remain in office for another seven years. Even before the election, his fifth re-election was considered a mere formality, as it was a rehearsed simulation of democracy in a state that has been firmly ruled by an authoritarian regime for three decades. Beyond the expected course of events, the president's own vote was of extraordinary symbolic value.


Super election year starts super boring

At the beginning of February, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev will be re-elected for a further seven years in office

One of the first votes in the “super election year” of 2024 will take place in the South Caucasus: Early presidential elections are scheduled for 7 February in Azerbaijan. In early December, President Ilham Aliyev, who has been in office since 2003, surprisingly signed a decree bringing forward the vote by 14 months. There was initially no official justification for this decision, which led to intense speculation. The leading opposition parties announced that they would again boycott the ballot. Nevertheless, there are a total of seven candidates, all of whom (have to) praise the incumbent.

Einschätzungen zur aktuellen Situation in Bergkarabach

Stephan Malerius, Leiter des Regionalprogramms Politischer Dialog Südkaukasus, äußert sich in den folgenden Interviews zur aktuellen Situation in Bergkarabach:


Sjunik: Between hope and fear - geopolitics under the burning glass

A political travelogue from Southern Armenia

Iran opened a consulate last year in Kapan, the administrative center of the Syunik region in southern Armenia. Russia has now announced that it intends to follow suit, and local sources said the Americans and French are also considering setting up consular posts in Kapan. If that were to happen, four major powers would have a diplomatic presence in a relatively remote small town in southern Armenia with a population of just over 40,000. On the one hand, all of this shows how important this part of the South Caucasus has become basically overnight - having previously been almost completely forgotten for decades. There is also now a growing awareness of the opportunities and dangers that the peace process between Armenia and Azerbaijan holds. A two-day trip to Syunik, to the southernmost point of Meghri on the Iranian border, was brimming with insights and insights.