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KAS Roundtable 2019: India's Role and Perception in the Afghan Peace Process

The Afghan Peace Process in Regional Perspective

On 08 July 2019, the KAS Afghanistan Office organised a Roundtable discussion on "India's Role and Perception in the Afghan Peace Process".

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​​​​​​​The goal of this Roundtable Series is to shed light on the strategies, roles and perceptions of the regional countries engaged in the Afghan peace process. The Roundtable series aims to assemble different voices and perceptions at the discussion table in a trustful and respectful environment. The Roundtable series aims to give an arena to the voices of the regional countries on the Afghan peace process, to foster an intra-regional dialogue and contribute to regional trust- and confidence building.

Speakers and participants were from diplomatic missions, think tanks, NGOs, international organisations, media,parliament andgovernment institutions. At each roundtable, a representative of the respective embassy is invited to give the key note on the country’s position in the peace process.


Welcome & Introduction of participants

Dr. Ellinor Zeino, KAS Country Director

Key Note: The Indian-Afghan Strategic Partnership and India’s Stance in the Afghan Peace Process

Mr. Abhishek Singh, Deputy Chief of Mission, Indian Embassy Kabul

Afghanistan and India in the Regional Power Structures

Dr. Siddharth Tripathi, Post Doc Fellow, Willy Brandt School of Public Poli cy, University of Erfurt, Germany

Open Discussion / Q & A

Dinner Buffet

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Previous KAS Roundtables (2019):

  • Russia’s Role and Perspective on the Afghan Peace Process
  • Iran’s Role and Perspective on the Afghan Peace Process
  • Qatar’s Role in the Afghan Peace Process

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  • Mr. Abhishek Singh (Deputy Chief of Mission
    • Indian Embassy)
  • Dr. Siddharth Tripathi (Post-Doc Fellow
    • University of Erfurt
    • Germany)

Dr. Ellinor Zeino

Ellinor Zeino

Head Foreign Office Turkey +90 312 440 40 80
2019-07-08 KAS Roundtable India's Role in the Afghan Peace Process KAS Kabul
2019-07-08 KAS Roundtable India's Role in the Afghan Peace Process KAS Kabul
2019-07-08 KAS Roundtable India's Role in the Afghan Peace Process KAS Kabul

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