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The United Nations’ Climate Change Conference (UNFCCC), Conference of Parties (COP28) is scheduled to take place in the United Arab Emirates, Dubai from 30th November to 12th December, 2023. It’s major goal is to critically reassess the real implementation of 2015 Paris Climate Agreement as the COP 26 Glasgow Climate Pact and COP 27 Shamel Sheikh’s Implementation Plan. The main COP 28 Agenda will be: Loss and Damage, Climate Finance and Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETP). Climate Science shows that the Current Emissions and Global Warming Projections are reaching catastrophic proportions and levels particularly in Greenhouse gasses emissions whereby last year 2022 the warning levels reached 1.15oC. Undoubtedly, these facts pose untold and unprecedented critical quantitative and qualitative humano – economic, existential, health, educational, social, nutritional, political, infrastructural dilemmas, challenge, risks and vulnerabilities both to people, planet and biodiversity to thousands of years to come. Hence, threatening common wellbeing, peace and security of humanity the planet locally and globally than ever before. It is an undeniable fact that Africa (including) Tanzania is the most affected continent. In response to this the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (KAS) in Tanzania collaboration with the Kilimanjaro Consortium for Development and Environment (KCDE) based in Kilimanjaro, deemed it relevant and critical to engage Pre-COP 28 Stakeholders, academia, policy makers and climate experts for round table discussions and consultations as effective spaces and opportunity for collective awareness, accountability and action. More urgent and critical, in order to adequately achieve the Goals of the 2015, Paris Climate edifice, the following fundamental pillars and regimes in particular, need urgent evaluative focus and prioritization in particular: (A) Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC’s) general and specific status in Tanzania. (B) Tanzania recent Nationally Contributions in particular: a critical post- mortem and deep analysis on: - Adaptation Contributions - Mitigation Contributions (C) Tanzania’s Critical Gap’s Weaknesses and Discrepancies: Calibrating: - Ambition gaps - Budgetary gaps - Policy gaps - Managerial/Leadership gaps - Organizational and Planning gaps - Technical resilience and expertise gaps - Human Resource mobilization gaps - Non-human resource mobilization gaps (D) The Critical role of Cities and Urban Contents in Climate Change Mitigation.

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At the end of round table discussion, it is hoped that all participants both present and online:

  • To have acquired a better and broader notion and understanding of both COP and NDCs regime.
  • To have developed a collective and passionate sense of accountability particularly in the quest for credible and sustainable solutions against the impacts of climate change in an effective and efficient way.
  • To develop a rigorous road map and action plan for climate justice and decarbonization strategies in Tanzania in particular and globally in general.


  • The current status of climate change and impacts to Africa and Tanzania
  • Progress achieved and the key challenges in achieving the long-term global Goal of the Paris Agreement (2015).
  • Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC’s) of Tanzania: Main priorities, targets for adaptation, mitigation and current status for implementing.
  • Identifying the key outcome of COP 27, the Sharm El Sheikh implementation plan and highlighting opportunities for Tanzania.
  • What is needed to be done pertaining the implementation of the goals by and through the private sector, FBO’s, NGO’s, CBO’s, etc.

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  • Rev. Dr. Prof Aidan Msafiri
    • Dr. Tilmann Feltes PhD
      • Mr. Tajiel Urioh
        • Mr. Damas Nderumaki

          Damas Nderumaki


          Project Manager

 +255 222153174

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