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Media workshop for political communication experts

Web-TV and political communication on the internet

In collaboration with the media programme Sub-Sahara Africa, Tanzania office of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Dar es Salaam conducted a workshop on modern political web-based communication on April 8, 2011.

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On the first day, head of the media programme Markus Brauckmann provided selected political communication experts with information on the latest developments in web-based political communication. It was particularly the prospect of web-TV that attracted wide interest and was discussed in detail among the participants.

The second day of the workshop held by the media programme predominantly addressed the issue of social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. The results of the discussions clearly showed that the potential of Web 2.0 for political communication is widely know, however, the respective instruments are barely used in a targeted manner.

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Dar es Salaam


  • Markus Brauckmann
    • head of the media programme Sub-Sahara Africa

      Stefan Reith

      Portrait von Stefan Reith

      Head of EIC Domestic Programs Department +57 601 7430947

      Richard Shaba


      Erasto Ndeuka

      Erasto Ndeuka bild

      Accountant and Projectmanager Tanzania Office +255 22 2153174 / +255 22 2151990
      Kommunikation im worldwide web. Flickr, frei verwendbare Bilddatei.
      Dr. Willbrod Slaa, Chadema-Generalsekretär, mit Markus Brauckmann, Leiter des regionalen Medienprogramms Subsahara-Afrika (rechts) und Stefan Reith, Leiter des Auslandsbüros in Tansania. Eigenes Foto
      Gruppenfoto Medienworkshop. Eigenes Foto
      Medien-Workshop Dar es Salaam, KAS-Teamleiter Richard Shaba diskutiert mit. Eigenes Foto.