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Social Market Economy, Youth Employment and Social Security

Discussion on Perspectives of the Young Generation in Tanzania and Germany

On the 30th of July, KAS Tanzania and PAMOJA will be holding a discussion about the social market economy from the perspectives of the German and Tanzanian youth respectively. The event will take place in the New Africa Hotel in Dar es Salaam.

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This next upcoming event of KAS Tanzania will take place just before a group of Tanzanian PAMOJA students will be traveling to Germany in early August as part of the yearly exchange programme of PAMOJA between the Westfälische Wilhelms University in Münster and the Mwalimu Nyere Memorial Academy in Dar es Salaam. The discussion named “Social Market Economy, Youth Employment and Social Security – Perspectives of the Young Generation in Tanzania and Germamy", will give students the chance to gain further insights into the basic functioning of a social market economy.

In this regard, KAS Tanzania and PAMOJA are highly delighted to welcome Dr. Camillus Kassala who is a Research Fellow, Lecturer and Dean of the Students Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre in Dar es Salaam and who will be giving a presentation on the principles of an African Social Market Economy from a Tanzanian perspective.

His presentation will be followed by group works and further discussions through which students will also be familiarized with the critical aspects of a social market economy such as recent demographic developments and high rates of youth unemployment which could challenge the smooth functioning of a future social market economy.

The second presentation on social market economy, youth employment and social security in Germany will be held by Cäcilia Radert from KAS.

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New Africa Hotel, Dar es Salaam


Social Market Economy, Youth Employment and Social Security: Perspectives of the Young Generation in Tanzania and Germany
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Stefan Reith

Portrait von Stefan Reith

Head of EIC Domestic Programs Department +57 601 7430947

Richard Shaba

Asset Publisher

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