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Event reports

Social Protection for the Vulnerable Population in Northeastern Thailand

by Orapan Suwanwattanakul

A Public Service Perspective

A workshop on “Social Protection for the Vulnerable Population in Northeastern Thailand: A Public Service Perspective” was held today (2 Nov 2022) in Khon Kaen by COLA, KKU with the support of the KAS in Thailand.

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The workshop gathered the key supervising and also operating officials from divisions in Khon Kaen Provincial Social Development and Human Security and related governmental offices in the province. Together, the participants reflected the facts and findings that the COLA had found in the field research. 

Then they sat in mixed-groups of divisions and offices to discuss their currently common and/or different difficulties in their duties to deal with issues about the vulnerable people and brainstorm for possible solutions, better mechanisms, as well as suggestions from the groups under the following two main topics: 

  • Social Protection and Issues in Social Welfare and Assistances for Vulnerable People in Northeastern Thailand; and
  • potential Improvement of Social Welfare and Assistances for Better Lives of Vulnerable People in this region.

The COLA by the team of Asst. Prof. Dr. Ajirapa Pienkhuntod will take the results from this workshop for bringing about further  cooperation between the related governmental offices and civil society in the next phase of the project. There also will be a compilation of policy recommendations written and proposed to all stakeholders in order to find and actualise better mechanism for social justice and protection

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Orapan Suwanwattanakul

Orapan Suwanwattanakul

Project Manager +66 (0) 2 714 1207 +66 2 714 1307


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