Specialist conference
Migration Awareness Program
The Migration Awareness Program, organized in collaboration with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Türkiye, Harran University Policy Application and Research Center and Hasan Kalyoncu University KalMIREC Migration Research Center, was hosted by Hasan Kalyoncu University from November 26 to 29, 2024, in Gaziantep.
This program provided a unique opportunity for local and migrant youth to deepen their knowledge of migration studies, gain new insights, and strengthen their competencies. By integrating non-formal learning methods with academic presentations, participants can combine theoretical knowledge with practical experience.
The program was conducted in a hybrid format, with two days online and two days in person.
Program Details:
• Online Sessions: November 26-27, 2024 (via Zoom)
• In-Person Events: November 28-29, 2024 (at Hasan Kalyoncu University, Gaziantep)
Online Program:
Participants engaged with expert-led lectures and interactive sessions covering diverse migration topics, including:
1. Changes in the Understanding of Migration and Adaptation
o Speaker: Prof. Dr. Emel Topçu, Hasan Kalyoncu University
2. Temporary Protection in the Context of Human Rights
o Speaker: Dr. Rukiye Gülerce, Social Cohesion and Entrepreneurship Association
3. Migrant Agency
o Speaker: Dr. Güzin Ağca Varoğlu, Turkish-German University
4. Social Networks in Adaptation
o Speaker: Prof. Dr. Veysel Bozkurt, Istanbul University
In-Person Activities:
• Interactive Non-Formal Learning: Activities included Migrant Luggage / Migration Journey, Migration and Rights-Based Social Cohesion, A Step Forward / Social Inequalities, Migration and Border – Can I Cross the Border? game, and addressing Misconceptions.
• Field Visit: Participants explored migration-related challenges and solutions firsthand.
The program is limited to 30 participants and is open to individuals aged 18-40 years residing in Gaziantep.
This program gave a remarkable opportunity to explore the complexities of migration, engage with leading experts, and enhance personal and professional development in this critical field.