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From War Towards Lasting Peace: Through Justice and Solidarity

16-th Ecumenical Social Week

The 16th Ecumenical Social Week international forum "From War Towards Lasting Peace: Through Justice and Solidarity" will be held on October 4-7, 2023 in the city of Lviv

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16-th Ecumenical Social Week, Lviv, October 4-7, 2023 Institute of Ecumenical Studies
16-th Ecumenical Social Week, Lviv, October 4-7, 2023

For more than 15 years, the Forum has been a platform for a dialogue and considering of the events that resonate in Ukraine and around the world. During this year's ESW, engaging the participants from various countries, we will talk about war and lasting peace. What does this mean for us? Is peace possible without justice and how to achieve it? What is our role as a state, an educational institution, a public organization, a Church and a citizen in laying the foundations of sustainable peace and how to achieve it when Russian aggression continues, a war that has no end in sight.

Within the Forum the organized round tables, international panel discussions, seminars, exhibitions, and workshops will be divided into thematic units:

  1. Religious-Ecumenical and Ethical
  2. Historical-Political
  3. Environment
  4. Migration
  5. Cultural-Educational
  6. Informational

The Forum is organized on the initiative of the Institute of Ecumenical Studies of the Ukrainian Catholic University in partnership with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung in Ukraine.

The following speakers have been invited to the Forum: 
Dr. Jørgen Skov Sørensen, General secretary of the Conference of European Churches,
Myroslav Marynovych, Vice-rector of the Ukrainian Catholic University,
Dr. Gerard Powers, Director of the Peacebuilding Catholic Center, Professor at the Notre-Dame University,
Valerii Pekar, Lecturer at the UCU Lviv Business School, President of the Euroindex Company,
Oksana Vynnytska, PhD, Honorable Ambassador of Canada to Ukraine,
Dr. Oleksandr Motyl, Political Studies Professor at the Ratgerts University,
Dr. Andreas Umland, Research Fellow at the Stockholm Center for Eastern-European Studies,
Bishop Pavlo Schwartz, German Evangelical Lutheran Church in Ukraine,
Sr.Helen Alford, OP, Professor, President of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences, Vice-rector and Dean of Social Sciences at the  Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas in Rome, Italy,
Rocco Buttiglione, Professor, MEP 1999-2001, Member of Italian Parliament, Minister,  Minister for Cultural Assets and Activities, Minister of European Union Policies (2001-2006),
George Weigel, Professor, Distinguished Senior Fellow of the  Ethics and Public Policy Center, Biographer of Saint John Paul II, author of books on religion and culture and others.

Contact information:, Іryna Kitura, Forum coordinator

Further details on the website

Registration following the link.

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Dr. Jan Philipp Wölbern

Dr. Jan Philipp Wölbern

Deputy Head of the Ukraine Office +380 444927443

Kateryna Bilotserkovets

Kateryna Bilotserkovets bild

Project Coordinator +380 44 4927443

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