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An Agenda for U.S. Election Cybersecurity

by William T. Adler, Mallory Knodel
William T. Adler and Mallory Knodel are with the Center for Democracy & Technology, a non-partisan, non-profit U.S.-based civil society organization that works globally to defend human rights and civil liberties online. In this report for KAS, they explore the challenges of maintaining security in U.S. elections and how election officials and policymakers might best address them. While focused on American elections, they hope that some of the findings can also provide guidance for other countries.

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“Although no election is flawless, a functioning democratic government rests on the people’s trust in electoral systems to produce fair and accurate results,” the authors write in their report: “Yet, during political campaigns, and before, during and after the elections themselves, malicious actors can influence information flows; public opinion is often manufactured and manipulated; and digital and analogue election infrastructure continue to have weaknesses. Policymakers can support the work of election officials to ensure that the elections are fair, secure, and efficient, that voters have the ability to cast their vote without obstacle and, most importantly, that every vote is counted as intended.”


The views, conclusions and recommendations expressed in this report are solely those of its authors and do not reflect the views of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, or its employees.

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Dirk Hegen

Dirk Hegen KAS

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