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Threat Perception and Deterrence after the Ukraine War

by Claire Oto, Philip B.K. Potter, John Robinson
We asked the National Security Policy Center at the University of Virginia to take a closer look at threat perception and deterrence following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. They observe: "Given the complexity of the current strategic environment – and the West’s lethargic response to it – there is a need to refine our approach to risk in the context of deterrence."

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In their analysis, the team from the National Security Policy Center points out that: ”Deterrent success in a complex, tripolar environment will require that Western nations seeking to preserve peace and the rules-based order become adept at strategically increasing risk for adversaries across their portfolio of contentious relationships.” 


The views, conclusions and recommendations expressed in this report are solely those of its authors and do not reflect the views of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, or its employees. 

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Erin Barrett

Erin Barrett

Program Manager +1 202 464 5843
