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The Future of NATO

An Outlook on the Alliance’s Strengths and Weaknesses ahead of its 75th Anniversary

Two years after Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February of 2022, the war in Europe rages on. The threat on European soil has sparked new investments in NATO through new accessions to the alliance and additional investments from existing members throughout Europe. While the Biden administration has remained adamant in its ongoing commitment to both Ukraine and the alliance, the United States has seen decreased support for NATO in conservative isolationist circles. As NATO prepares for its 75th Anniversary Summit in Washington, DC this summer, we hold a panel discussion on the future of the alliance.

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Dr. Hardy Ostry, Resident Representative, KAS Office USA




Colonel (GS) Alexander Brand, Deputy Defense and Air, Space, & Cyber Attaché, Embassy of Federal Republic of Germany

Robin Quinville, Director, Global Europe Program, Wilson Center

Dr. Gale A. Mattox, Senior Fellow and Director, Foreign and Security Policy Programs, American-German Institute, Johns Hopkins University




Sophie Arts, Program Officer, Geostrategy North, The German Marshall Fund of the United States

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Erin Barrett

Erin Barrett

Program Manager +1 202 464 5843

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