The election results in Saxony differ from those in Thuringia primarily due to the positive image of Minister President Michael Kretschmer and a better perception of the CDU. However, the basic parameters of the political mood are almost identical to the pessimistic mood in Thuringia.
The elections in Thuringia and Saxony are continuing the trends of the European elections: losses for the ‘traffic light’ parties with continued high levels of dissatisfaction with the federal government, strengthening of the political fringes and widespread stagnation for the CDU.
The AfD and BSW supporters are united in their dissatisfaction, with the AfD supporters being even more dissatisfied than the BSW supporters. And dissatisfaction is not limited to the political sphere. Life satisfaction, satisfaction with democracy and trust in other people are low in both groups of supporters. Two trends have been stable among AfD supporters for some time: a low willingness to change and an immunisation towards political communication beyond the AfD.
The election analysis for the Saxony state election can be found here.
All graphs and tables on which the election analysis is based can be found in the appendix.
Please note, to date the study is only available in German.