Stakeholder Meeting 2025 Benin
As at the beginning of each year, the regional programme KAS PDWA welcomes its partners for the presentation of New Year's greetings for 2025, on the theme of “Elections and Human Rights”.
Stakeholder Meeting 2025 Togo
As at the beginning of each year, the regional programme KAS PDWA welcomes its partners for the presentation of New Year's greetings for 2025, on the theme of “Elections and Human Rights”.
Stakeholder Meeting 2025 Côte d'Ivoire
As at the beginning of each year, the KAS Abidjan welcomes its partners for the presentation of New Year's greetings for 2025, on the theme of “Elections and Human Rights”.
Book presentation
Cérémonie de distribution des livres du Projet FiPNAT: « Regards sur la nouvelle logique financière en Côte d'Ivoire»
Presentation and distribution of the book “Regards sur la nouvelle logique financière en Côte d'Ivoire”
Civic Education Workshop Sierra Leone
The Ministry of Information and Civic Education (MoICE) and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) are jointly conducting a workshop on civic education in Sierra Leone because they believe that civic education is the foundation of modern democratic states and prepares people to deal with political, social and moral issues in their communities.
Specialist conference
IAJP Annual Symposium 2024
The annual synopsis is organized in Benin with our partner IAJP (Institut des Artisans de Justice et de Paix-Chant d‘Oiseau).
Specialist conference
Annual conference 2024 of PDWA scholarship holders
This activity provides a platform for exchange, training and experience sharing for scholarship holders.
Forum Economique
En Côte d'Ivoire, comme dans d'autres pays d'Afrique de l'Ouest, une majorité d'entreprises ferment leurs portes au bout de trois ans. Bien que les conditions d'ouverture d'une entreprise se soient améliorées ces dernières années grâce à la création de guichets uniques qui permettent de lancer une entreprise en moins d'une semaine, de nombreux jeunes, attirés par l'entrepreneuriat comme solution à la précarité, se lancent dans cette aventure.
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