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Reshaping Mediterranean Energy Cooperation

Dialogue Program


The Mediterranean energy landscape amid global and regional geopolitical dynamics

3rd Meeting of the Mediterranean Energy Experts Circle


Making Circular Economy Work

Bringing Academic Knowledge to Policy and Practice in Circular Economy

From May 22 to 28, 2024, a 5-day training program titled "Making Circular Economy Work: Bringing Academic Knowledge to Policy and Practice in Circular Economy" was held at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane. This program aimed to advance Morocco's transition to a sustainable economic system by equipping participants with comprehensive knowledge of the circular economy, focusing on its principles, impacts, business models, and practical applications.


Water Politics in the Euphrates-Tigris Basin

Regional Scenario Workshop on Cooperation Among Riparian States

From June 7 to 9, 2024, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s Regional Program Energy Security and Climate Change Middle East and North Africa (KAS-REMENA), in partnership with the Inter-Islamic Network on Water Resources Development and Management (INWRDAM), successfully conducted a closed-door workshop titled "Water Politics in the Euphrates-Tigris Basin: Regional Scenario Workshop on Cooperation Among Riparian States." The workshop was held at the picturesque Villa La Collina in Cadenabbia, Italy.


German-Arab Hydrogen Partnerships

Delegation to the 27th Arab-German Business Forum

From June 2 to 5, a delegation of four female hydrogen experts from Morocco, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt, and Oman was brought together in Berlin around the theme "German-Arab Hydrogen Partnerships" and to attend the 27th German-Arab Business Forum organized by the Ghorfa Arab-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry.


Roundtable on Geopolitics, Climate Change and State Fragility in The Middle East and North Africa

2024 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development

In partnership with SIPRI, KAS-REMENA organized a roundtable on “Geopolitics, Climate change and State Fragility in the Middle East and North Africa” on May 7 within the framework of the 2024 Stockholm Forum on Peace and Development.


Shaping a Resilient and Cooperative Mediterranean Energy Transition: Lessons Learned and Challenges

Second meeting of the Mediterranean Energy Experts Circle

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung's Regional Programme on Energy Security and Climate Change in the Middle East and North Africa (KAS-REMENA) joined forces again with the Policy Center for the New South to convene the second meeting of the Mediterranean Energy Experts Circle. Held in Rabat, Morocco from April 22nd to 24th, 2024, the meeting focused on the topic of "Shaping a Resilient and Cooperative Mediterranean Energy Transition: Lessons Learned and New Challenges."

Conférence spécialisée

Uniting for Climate Action in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) Region

Launch of the MENA Chapter of the Parliamentary Network for Climate (P4C)

On Tuesday, February 13th, 2024, the regional conference titled "Uniting for Climate Action in the Middle East and North Africa Region" was held in Rabat. The event was organized by the Parliamentarians for Climate network (P4C), the Regional Program for Energy Security and Climate Change in the Middle East and North Africa (KAS-REMENA), and the ATLAS Dynamics Association.


Regional Dialogue on Accelerating the Transition to Circular Economy

For Climate Resilience in the Arab Region

KAS-REMENA and UN-ESCWA co-organized a high-level dialogue in Amman, Jordan, addressing the transition to a circular economy in the Arab Region, fostering inclusive participation from ministries, financial institutions, private sector, and civil society to explore factors and governance frameworks for sustainable economic transformation.


Media and communication in times of crises

Natural disasters as an example

Affichage des résultats 1 - 10 parmi 64.

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Solution-driven Regional Water Journalism Workshop

Virtual workshop, August 30-31, 2021

Aspiring environmental journalists, media professionals and entrepreneurs gathered for a tailored online workshop aiming at mainstreaming solution-driven reporting of acute water-related challenges in the MENA region. The journalist worked together with environmental entrepreneurs to write on their solutions that address water-related challenges in the MENA region. Three of the elaborated articles were shortlisted for a one-on-one coaching session with a renowned regional environmental journalist.

Water Journalism Academy - Middle East and North Africa

Virtual Training from 17 August to 21 September 2020

Outstanding environmental journalists and media professionals took part in a tailored online academy with the goal of intensifying and improving the quality and scope of media coverage of acute water-related challenges in the country of implementation and region. 3 media pieces were awarded.

KAS African Climate Perspectives on Migration

International Conference from 1 to 2 July 2019 in Rabat, Morocco

Experts, scientists and civil society representatives from various African countries met in Rabat, Morocco, to discuss the impact of climate change on migration movements in Africa.

Herbstakademie zu Nachhaltigkeit und Ressourcensicherheit in der EU und der MENA-Region

19. bis 29. Oktober 2018 in der Europäischen Akademie Otzenhausen (EAO), Deutschland

Ausgewählte Nachwuchskräfte aus der MENA-Region trafen sich in Deutschland und informierten sich über nachhaltige Strategien in den Bereichen Energie, Wasser, Mobilität, Abfallmanagement und Stadtentwicklung.

Innovationen im Wasser- und Abfallmanagement

Übertragbarkeitsmodelle für die MENA Region

Dieser Artikel gibt einen Überblick über das fünftägige Studien- und Dialogprogramm zum Thema "Innovationen im Wasser- und Abfallmanagement: Übertragbarkeitsmodelle für die MENA Region", das vom 25.-29. März 2018 in Köln und Brüssel stattfand. Der Beitrag ist das Ergebnis einer Zusammenarbeit mit Wala' Abdullah, Fanack.

Deutsch-Arabische Journalistenakademie in Rabat

Zum ersten Mal fand eine der erfolgreichen interkulturellen Journalistenakademien der KAS in Marokko statt. Zum Oberthema Wasser recherchierten die jungen Journalisten aus Deutschland und sechs arabischen Ländern im ganzen Land.

Internationaler Workshop Water-Energy-Food Nexus

Umsetzung in der Maghreb-Region

Das Nexus-Konzept betont, dass die Sektoren Wasser, Energie und Ernährung untrennbar miteinander verbunden sind. So haben Maßnahmen, die in einem der genannten Bereiche umgesetzt werden, immer auch einen Einfluss auf die jeweils anderen Bereiche. Aus diesem Grund ist ein umfassender Ansatz notwendig, um die globale Ernährungs- und Wassersicherheit sowie eine nachhaltige landwirtschaftliche Produktion und Energienutzung zukünftig zu sichern.

Basra: Chancen und Hindernisse für nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum

KAS und die Universität Basra veranstalten Konferenz

Basra hat die zweithöchste Bevölkerung des Irak, verfügt über einen Großteil der irakischen Erdölreserven und gilt durch seinen Seehafen als Tor zum Irak. Gleichzeitig leiden Basra und der Südirak unter niedrigen Wirtschaftswachstumsraten und Armut. Am 8. und 9. Oktober veranstaltete das KAS-Regionalprogramm Energiesicherheit und Klimawandel Naher Osten und Nordafrika, das KAS-Auslandsbüro Syrien/Irak und das Arab Gulf Research Center an der Universität Basra eine Konferenz zu den Chancen und Hindernissen für ein nachhaltiges Wirtschaftswachstum in der Provinz.