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Jose Luis Stephens,

Facts and Findings

Galactic Formative Power

by Alexander Badenheim, Jakob Kullik, Benjamin Thake

Why Europe must be present in space to continue to have the capacity to act on Earth

Great power rivalry and the geopolitical struggle for spheres of influence, markets and technologies will also be fought out in space and will increase in intensity. It is therefore essential to understand space as an extra-terrestrial zone of influence and frontline in which Europe must be present and capable of action as a political, economic and military actor. How can this be achieved and what priorities should Europe set here?

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Expert interview with Jakob Kullik

From the Working Group of Young Foreign Policy Experts to European Space Policy

Even nowadays, our security depends on a global satellite network in space that ensures communication, navigation, observation, reconnaissance and surveillance for the state, society and the individual. In order to guarantee the security and functionality of these systems and to prevent them from drifting into insignificance, Europe, as a "galactic formative power", should develop outer space into a strategic space of the future and strive for a permanent presence in space. 

Simply setting and defending rules and norms in space will no longer be enough in the future to be a relevant actor or to be perceived as such. Technological, military and political-systemic power can grow out of an economic position of influence. The authors of the Working Group of Young Foreign Policy Experts show which measures and approaches can be used to achieve this.  

Read the entire analysis "Galactic Formative Power - Why Europe must be present in space to continue to have the capacity to act on Earth" here as a PDF.

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Ferdinand Alexander Gehringer

Ferdinand Alexander Gehringer

Policy Advisor Homeland and Cyber Security +49 30 26996 3709


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About this series

The series informs in a concentrated form about important positions of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung on current topics. The individual issues present key findings and recommendations, offer brief analyses, explain the Foundation's further plans and name KAS contact persons.


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