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City. Country. Living space? - The housing congress for everyone

Gemeinsam Zukunft bauen – innovativ, nachhaltig und bezahlbar

Am 8. Oktober 2025 veranstaltet die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Berlin einen Wohnkongress der sich an ein breites Publikum richtet. Zusammen mit Politik und Wohnungswirtschaft wollen wir gemeinsam Lösungen finden für bezahlbahres und gleichzeitig nachhaltiges Wohnen. Im Fokus stehen die Themen Bürokratie, Nachhaltigkeit, Innovation, aber auch Beispiele aus der internationalen Wohnungspolitik. Ganztägig werden verschiedene Formate wie Panel-Diskussionen, Impulsvorträge, Workshops, Ausstellungen und Pitches von interessanten Start-Ups angeboten, die

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Housing is one of the major socio-political challenges of this decade. The change in living space goes hand in hand with new, innovative housing concepts. - Many people in Germany find it difficult to find affordable and appropriately sized accommodation, especially in conurbations. In many places, living in rural areas entails the risk of residential properties losing value due to falling demand. In the context of increased climate requirements, private homeowners are faced with the challenge of renovating their homes in a climate-friendly way. 

Politicians and the housing industry are looking for solutions for affordable and sustainable housing. Housing construction in Germany has been in crisis for years and there is a need for sustainable and innovative concepts for ways out of the housing shortage. 

What impetus does housing policy in Germany need? Where can processes be simplified and made less bureaucratic in order to accelerate construction activity in Germany? What will sustainable housing look like in the future? What needs to be considered in climate-friendly construction? What must a fair rental policy take into account? And how can sustainable urban development and needs-based housing policy be reconciled? These questions are the focus of our congress.


Information on speakers & program will be available soon on this page. 


Registration for the event has not yet started, but will be available on this page. 


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Berlin (konkreter Veranstaltungsort wird noch bekannt gegeben)
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Dr. Sarah Al Doyaili-Wangler

Sarah Al Doyaili-Wangler

Referentin Soziale Marktwirtschaft +49 30-26996-3472

Melanie Gerster

Melanie Gerster

Policy Advisor Economics and Innovation +49 30 26996 3724
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