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Event report

Cafe Kyiv 2025: ‘We stand by the side of Ukraine’

On 11 February, our Cafe Kyiv took place for the third time with around 5,000 visitors at the Colosseum Berlin.

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Germany's most experienced Prime Minister (1932-2025)

KAS Honorary Chairman Prof Dr Bernhard Vogel passes away

The former Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate and Thuringia and KAS Honorary Chairman Bernhard Vogel died at the age of 92.

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Strategies for modernising the defence industry

Boost for the Defence Industry

How can Germany increase the competitiveness of its defence industry and bring EU countries closer together?

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We mourn the loss of our Honorary Chairman Prof. Dr Bernhard Vogel

The former Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate and Thuringia died at the age of 92.

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Country report

Showdown in the Oval Office

What does the conflict in the White House mean for the future of US-Ukraine relations?

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Our mission

Nationally and internationally, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is committed to achieving and maintaining peace, freedom and justice through political education. We promote and preserve free democracy, the social market economy, and the development and consolidation of the value consensus.
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Current publications

Cafe Kyiv 2025 - Blick auf die gut gefüllte Halle KAS

Cafe Kyiv 2025: ‘We stand by the side of Ukraine’

With this message, Prof Dr Norbert Lammert opened the third Cafe Kyiv and, together with 5,000 guests, he sent a strong signal of solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

Magnifying glass Adobe Stock / carolina; generiert mit KI

Break-up of the traffic light coalition without consequences for political opinions

Results from representative trend surveys on political attitudes

Eugene DuBow und Dr. Gerhard Wahlers

Zum Gedenken an Eugene DuBow

Brückenbauer im deutsch-jüdisch-amerikanischen Dialog

Volodymyr Zelensky, Donald Trump and J.D. Vance IMAGO / MediaPunch

Showdown in the Oval Office

US Opinions on the Future of Trump's Ukraine Policy

Defence aircraft Adobe Stock/WITTAYA ANGMUJCHA

Boost for the Defence Industry

Seven short-term proposals for a competitive domestic defence sector

High-Impact Tutoring Adobe Firefly/Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.

High-Impact Tutoring: an effective lever for improving basic skills

How High-Impact Tutoring can strengthening basic skills and effectively combat the education crisis

Repuplika Srpska PantherMedia / Yarr65

State crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina convicts the President of the Republika Srpska

Hamburger Ratshau Adobe Stock / JFL Photography

Election analysis of the parliamentary elections in Hamburg on 2 March 2025

Report on the preliminary final result, the main determinants as well as voter migration and social structure.

Webpage of the Digital Markets Act Adobe Stock / Tada Images

Doubling Down, not Backing Down

Defending the EU’s Digital Sovereignty in the Trump Era

Darstellung Digitalministerium Adobe Stock / wahyu; generiert mit KI

Why an independent Digital Ministry is indispensable and how it could be structured

Shaping the Digital Future: One Size Does Not Fit All – The Urgent Need for a Dedicated Ministry for Digital Transformation

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Media library

Erststimme #105

Julius van de Laar: What do we take away from the election campaign?

In this episode, we talk to campaign expert Julius van der Laar about the 2025 federal election campaign.

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New episode of „Auslandsinfo. Spotlight“

Professor of Military History Sönke Neitzel: Is the West at the end?

Is the USA turning its back on Europe and thus breaking up a partnership that for decades was considered essential for European security and freedom?

Erststimme #104 (German Podcast)

Simone Menne: How much strain is Donald Trump putting on German-American relations?

What does ‘Trump2²’ mean for the German economy and German-American relations? We discuss this with Simone Menne, President of the American Chamber of Commerce Germany.

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New episode of „Auslandsinfo. Spotlight“

WHO without the USA: A risk for global health?

Trump completes the USA's withdrawal from the WHO. What are the consequences of the withdrawal of the largest donor?

Every vote counts on 23 February

Every vote counts - for security, stability, freedom and togetherness.

Elections are the foundation of a strong society. They guarantee freedom, co-determination and stability. On 23 February 2025, you will once again have the chance to play an active ...

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Main topics of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation

The leitmotif of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation "Shaping.Democracy.Together." is supported by a thematic focus. With the three main topics Sustainability needs Innovation, Freedom needs Security and Democracy needs Participation, it is made clear which topics the Konrad Adenauer Foundation will focus on in the coming years.

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Russian war of aggression on Ukraine

On our theme page you will find all publications, interviews and events on this topic, which are continuously updated and extended.

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Media News

On the radio

"In seiner Ganzheitlichkeit ist es ziemlich einzigartig"

Eine Reporterin von Deutschlandfunk Kultur hat den ganzen Tag unser drittes Cafe Kyiv besucht. In der Abendsendung „Fazit“ schildert sie ihre Eindrücke: Es gehe darum, dass die Ukraine in unserer Aufmerksamkeit bleibe – und dass man sich vernetze.

In the press

"Die Republik Moldau bleibt im Krisenmodus"

Unsere Büroleiterin in Chișinău, Brigitta Triebel, erklärt im Gastbeitrag für, wie das kleine südosteuropäische Land mit der ständigen Bedrohung durch Russland umgeht. Die politische Wende in den USA mache vielen Menschen zusätzlich große Sorgen.


''Wir stehen vor einer bedeutenden Veränderung vertrauter Rahmenbedingungen''

Unser Vorsitzender Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert hat mit phoenix über die gesellschafts- und sicherheitspolitischen Herausforderungen unserer Demokratie gesprochen.

In the press

"Die Seeroute auf die Kanarischen Inseln boomt"

Wegen strengerer Überwachung im Mittelmeer suchen immer mehr Migranten über das westafrikanische Mauretanien einen Weg nach Europa. Wie die Lage vor Ort ist, berichtet unser Sahel-Experte Ulf Laessing beim jungen Nachrichtenportal watson.

In the press

"Religiöse Elemente spielen eine unterschätzte Rolle in der Genese und der Zukunft des Krieges"

Richard Ottinger, Experte für gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt und Religion, erklärt im Gastbeitrag bei Cicero Online, welche Rolle die Religion bei der russischen Aggression gegen die Ukraine spielt.

In the press

"Im Augenblick findet gewissermaßen die andere Seite der Zeitenwende statt"

Unser Vorsitzender Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert hat mit der Augsburger Allgemeinen über die Folgen der Abkehr Trumps von Europa, die laufende Regierungsbildung, die Unterstützung der Ukraine und unser diesjähriges Cafe Kyiv gesprochen.

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Demokratie nachhaltig stärken: Was uns verbindet

Hanna-Renate Laurien - Rede 2025



fully booked

Die Hüterinnen und Hüter des Grundgesetzes

Die Bedeutung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts für unsere Demokratie



Bonn/Berlin – Moskau. Irrungen und Wirrungen.

Geschichte der deutschen Russlandpolitik seit 1990




Koloniale Vergangenheit – aktuelle Herausforderungen

Deutschlands Rolle zwischen Erinnerung und Verantwortung


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