Asset Publisher


Asset Publisher

Statistical Study on Religious Belief in Albania

Authors: Bashkim Shehu and Eduard Zaloshnja

Albania is a unique case on a global scale, even in the history of humanity, as the country in which religion was banned by law for almost a quarter of a century, from 1967 to 1990. Even before this period, starting from the establishment of the communist dictatorship immediately after 1944, religion in Albania came under constant pressures of all kinds – through politically militant atheism propaganda, state intervention in religious institutions, and clergy imprisonment or execution.

Reconsidering Transition: Albania 1990–2020 and the Promise of Democracy

Authors: Prof. Dr. Afrim Krasniqi, Prof. Dr. Lori E. Amy

An Interdisciplinary Analysis of the Transition in Albania

Political and civic participation of young people 2024

Has Municipality - Evaluation report

KAS Albania

Reasons to stay

Strengthening the healthcare service through the empowerment of young doctors in Albania

Reasons to stay - Strengthening the healthcare service through the empowerment of young doctors in Albania

IMAGO / Pond5 Images

Italian refugee reception centre in Albania

Planned opening of the first extraterritorial refugee camp in an EU country

The increasing migratory pressure on Europe is shaping the current discourse. Italy, which is experiencing a significant change in its migration policy under the leadership of the movement led by Giorgia Meloni, is particularly prominent. At the same time, Albania is positioning itself as a reliable partner on the path to EU membership. In light of these developments, innovative solutions are being sought. One notable example is the planned opening of the first extraterritorial refugee camp in an EU country: an Italian camp on Albanian soil, which is triggering both ethical and political discussions.

The practical implementation of the laws on public notification and public consultation

The practical implementation of the laws on public notification and public consultation & the right to information at the local level

Monitoring Report

How to protect personal data in the era of technology

Emphasizing the importance of protecting young internet users in a tech-focused world

Growth without Development

Reasons for Failures in the Albanian Economy

Growth without Development: Reasons for Failures in the Albanian Economy

Conflict of Interest and Ethics Among Judges and Prosecutors: European Standards at the National Level

Compilation of decisions of the ECtHR, decisions of the German Federal Constitutional Court, and decisions of the Italian Constitutional Court

This manual highlights the principles that constitute the main pillars of the rule of law, which are: the independence and impartiality of the judiciary and the right to a fair trial, as well as two key elements: objective guarantees for judges' careers and ethics. Many significant jurisprudential decisions from various countries are brought to attention in this summary.

Leitfaden für den Jugendrat von Shijak

Jugendliche politische Beteiligung auf lokaler Ebene in Albanien, Gemeinde Shijak

Dieser Leitfaden zielt darauf ab, die Bewertungsprozesse der Indikatoren für die Beteiligung von Jugendlichen auf lokaler Ebene durch die Kombination theoretischer Informationen und praktischer Aspekte durch den Jugendrat zu orientieren und zu erleichtern.