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IDU Forum 2024 - Asia Pacific

KAS Panel Discussion followed by Networking Lunch - 4 April, 2024 - Wellington, NZ (this event is in English only)

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung – Regional Programme for Australia and the Pacific (KAS Australia) is pleased to support a panel discussion followed by a networking luncheon on 4 April 2024 in Wellington. Moderated by KAS Australia’s Director, Bertil Wenger, the panel discussion will be concerned with “Emerging Democracies in Africa and the Pacific – Challenges in A World of Turmoil” and feature high level speakers from those regions. The event will be held in the context of the IDU Forum scheduled to take place from 3 to 5 April 2024 in New Zealand’s capital.

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Formed in 1983, the IDU provides a forum in which centre-right Parties holding similar beliefs can come together and exchange views on matters of policy and organisational interest, so that they can learn from each other, act together, establish contacts and speak with one strong voice to promote democracy and centre-right policies around the globe. Founder Members of the IDU included Britain’s Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, then US Vice-President George Bush Sr, Paris Mayor and later President of France Jacques Chirac, German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and many other Party Leaders.


About the IDU Forum


IDU Forums bring together policy makers, senior party officials, and thought leaders from its global membership and beyond. IDU gatherings allow an open exchange and vigorous debates in a unique environment among like-minded partners committed to shared values of freedom and democracy.

IDU Forums create value for participants by building relationships, discussing policy challenges, sharing best practices for campaigning and governing, and supporting parties in emerging democracies. The IDU holds two Forums annually: a marquee IDU Forum in Washington, DC and a regionally focussed Forum that alternates location.


For more information on the IDU Forum, please go to:

IDU Forum | International Democracy Union

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Wellington, New Zealand


Eva Wagner

Eva Wagner

Senior Programme Coordinator
Rule of Law, Energy and Development Policy +61 2 6154 9323