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Events in Latvia

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Discussion: "Election year in the European Union and the USA. What awaits us?"

We are happy to announce our panel for the discussion festival “LAMPA” - “Europe between the European Parliament and US elections”


The Nuclear Frontier: Charting a Course to a Safer Tomorrow

Discussion in cooperation with Latvian Institute of International Affairs at LAMPA

The discussion will bring together industry experts from Latvia and Germany to address the complex issue of nuclear weapons and their possible impact on our future.


Erudīcijas spēle: "Latvija Eiropā: Vienoti Dažādībā"

Mūsu stipendiāti ir sagatavojuši lielisku iespēju vidusskolēniem Daugavpilī un Liepāja pārbaudīt savas zināšanas par Eiropu.

Expert talk

The role of media in the Baltics.

To trust or not to trust?

The research was conducted in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in order to understand the perceptions, trust and reliability of the media in Baltic societies.

Book presentation

Launch of the book about the relations between Latvia and Germany

On November 25, 2021 the launch of the book “2021 – Thirty Years Since the Renewal of Latvia’s and Germany’s Diplomatic Relations” will take place.

Expert conference

The Riga Conference 2021

The Riga Conference is a platform for dialogue on international security issues between leading global decision makers.


Conference "A Dream Fulfilled: Freedom and Independence"

Conference dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of the Restoration of the Independent State of Latvia


Conversation about Soviet nostalgia in festival "LAMPA"

Conversation "30 years after the collapse of the USSR. Soviet nostalgia - its political, emotional and psychological aspects"


The Fight over the Melting Arctic

The Evolving Arctic Security Environment

Recently the Arctic has become a “hot” topic, as climate change is causing the melting of ice which, in turn, opens new opportunities and desires.


Discussion with the German and Latvian Ambassadors

Online discussion with the German Ambassador to Latvia, Christian Heldt, and the Latvian ambassador to Germany, Inga Skujiņa

— 10 Items per Page
Showing 1 - 10 of 24 results.

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LATO and KAS Masterclasses

Encouraging young political leaders in the Baltic states, in cooperation with LATO

On the weekend of the 27th and 28th of april, young people were for the fourth time able to learn about the political landscape and security policy in the context of the LATO-Masterclasses.

European Yard Festival in Daugavpils and Līvāni

On the 8th and 9th of may, various organizations met in Daugavpils and Līvāni to celebrate Europe day and motivate people to vote.

The European Yard Festival contained multiple events on European topics, which aimed to introduce students and teenagers to European politics. Part of the festival were debates on Europe and a play by the improvisational theater "DIVAS", among others.

Diskussion der neuen Sicherheitsherausforderungen in Europa

Neue Sicherheitsherausforderungen für Europa – Welche Rolle spielt Deutschland aus Sicht der Baltischen Staaten?

The Baltic states and Germany must work together to strengthen the Eastern flank.

Die Riga-Konferenz 2021

Am 15. und 16. Oktober 2021 war die lettische Nationalbibliothek Schauplatz der alljährlichen Riga-Konferenz. Die größte sicherheitspolitische Konferenz im baltischen Raum vereint seit 2006 Expertinnen und Experten aus Politik, Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit zu Gesprächen über aktuelle Herausforderungen der europäischen und internationalen Sicherheit. Corona-bedingt fand die Konferenz dieses Jahr im hybriden For-mat statt, mit 250 Teilnehmern vor Ort und insgesamt 150.000 Zuschauern aus 56 Ländern, die die insgesamt 12 Paneldiskussionen, 5 Side Events und 6 hochkarätigen Interviews verfolgten. Organisiert wurde die Konferenz von der Latvian Transatlantic Organisation (LATO) sowie den lettischen Verteidigungs- und Außenministerien; die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung zählt seit der ersten Konferenz zu den wichtigsten Partnern.

Discussion discussion about Soviet nostalgia at the "LAMPA" conversation festival

Director Ivo Briedis, journalists Rita Ruduša and Eduards Liniņš engaged in a discussion about Soviet nostalgia at the "LAMPA" conversation festival.

Ilmars Znotins, Kanzlei des Staatspräsidenten der Republik Lettland

Close Partners

President of Latvia Egils Levits visits Konrad-Adenauer Foundation (KAS)

Within a framework of the State visit to Germany, Latvian President Egils Levits visits the KAS to hold conversations there this Wednesday.

European Strategic Autonomy - More than a Catchphrase

The panelists engaged in a productive discussion on European Strategic Autonomy. The discussion proved that European Strategic Autonomy is definitely not just a catchphrase.

Online simulation game ‘We are Europe!’

This weekend the participants of the Baltic Sea Region Young Leaders Academy took part in a two-day online simulation game ‘We are Europe!’. They discussed about the integration opportunities of the EU’s Eastern neighbors and improved their knowledge about the EU. The online simulation game exceeded the participants expectations, as they shared in their feedback.