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Event reports

1st Meeting of the Mandatos-C network in 2022

How to respond to extreme weather events in Brazilian municipalities?

Mandatos-C: Legislative Leadership Alliance for Climate Action is a platform to support municipal legislators for climate action. The network has moments of interaction and continuous training through the exchange of knowledge and experiences between the representatives and with high-level specialists in agendas related to parliamentary work.

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In face of the extreme weather events that we are currently experiencing, such as the droughts that Brazil faced at the end of last year or the floods that the Brazilian states of Bahia, Minas Gerais, and Rio de Janeiro are currently experiencing, it is urgent to discuss how cities should adapt to be prepared. With climate change, such events will be more recurrent and intense and it is in the territories that the impacts are felt.


Therefore, the first meeting of the Mandatos-C network dealt with the agenda of environmental disasters, displacements, and human impacts, presenting tools and legislative experiences in the municipalities that can be used to face disasters resulting from extreme weather.


Victor Marchezini from the National Center for Monitoring and Alerts for Natural Disasters (CEMADEN), Erika Ramos from the South American Network for Environmental Migrations (RESAMA), and Sarah Marques from the Carangueijo Tabaiares Resiste collective and the Climate Observatory, addressed possibilities for prevention and answers for councilors to implement policies that make their cities more prepared and adaptable to the impacts generated by these events.


Watch the full video here!


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Ana Abreu


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