The EPP family is the strongest political family in the polls in eight countries, the Socialists (PES) in seven (in eight if you add the Slovak social democratic “Hlas”, which is not yet officially a PES member). The Liberals/the Renew group lead the polls in five, and the Euro-sceptic national conservative ECR in two countries. The left-wing GUE/NGL parliamentary group is the front-runner in Ireland. In Hungary, Fidesz was clearly in the lead (not part of a party family) and formally independent parties or alliances comprising several party families were ahead in two countries (Lithuania, Bulgaria). The picture is a little different if we look at the strongest single party and not the largest party family: then the EPP leads in nine countries, the Socialists in seven (if you include “Hlas” in Slovakia with the Socialists). The Liberals are ahead in five, the ECR in three, and the GUE/NGL in one country each; in Hungary, Fidesz (not yet a new party family) is in the lead. In Lithuania, the EPP party and a still independent force are on equal footing. The lead over other party families or other individual parties is often very narrow (e.g. Italy, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark), or other polls see another party family in the lead.
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