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ICS - KAS Webcast on Future of India-China Economic Relations: Towards De-Coupling, Reduced Dependency, or a New Equilibrium?

Institute of Chinese Studies & the India Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is organizing an interactive webinar on the topic "Future of India-China Economic Relations: Towards De-Coupling, Reduced Dependency, or a New Equilibrium?" on Wednesday, 12th August 2020 at 15:00 Hrs on Zoom Platform

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Future of India-China Economic Relations: Towards De-Coupling, Reduced Dependency, or a New Equilibrium?

Greetings from Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung & Institute of Chinese Studies, New Delhi!



Despite 2020 marking 70 years of diplomatic ties between India and China, the border tension has spiraled towards a new low. It is essential to understand what exactly this could mean for the future of economic engagement between the two countries.



India has so far resorted to three major asymmetric measures with significant impact on economic links with China like FDI approval requirements, ban on fifty-nine internet applications launched by Chinese developers & prior registration requirement including security and political clearance for bidders from countries sharing a land border with India which seek to participate in tenders for procurement of goods, services or works.



One thing which can be understood is that India is not in a hurry to restore trade with China & is enforcing all kinds of policy measures for blocking imports from China.



In order to exchange views on this matter even further, the Institute of Chinese Studies & the India Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is organizing an interactive webinar with the panelists being:


Dr. Ajit Ranade (Group Executive President and Chief Economist at Aditya Birla Group)


Mr. Ravi Bhoothalingam (Founder and Chairman of Manas Advisory)


Mr. Santosh Pai (ICS, Offering legal services to clients in the India-China corridor since 2010)


We look forward to a kind word of confirmation to this exclusive webcast by registering at this link given below. The meeting room will be open to participants from 14:30 hrs onwards, with the webinar formally starting at 15:00 hrs:





Thanking you and looking forward to the pleasure of your valuable inputs during the interaction

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Peter Rimmele