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Our congratulations

Angela Merkel's 70th birthday

Angela Merkel led Germany's CDU for 18 years. Only Helmut Kohl has been head of the party longer than her.

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On the occasion of the NATO summit in Washington

75 years of NATO: The North Atlantic defense alliance at a critical juncture

On our topic page you find current events, publications, podcasts and videos on 75 years of NATO.

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Standing up for freedom, humanity and the rule of law

Commemoration of the resistance of 20 July 1944

Valerie Riedesel zu Eisenbach, granddaughter of resistance fighter Caesar von Hofacker, writes about the value of the attempted coup and the Stauffenberg assassination today.

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75 years

On the way to realising the social market economy

The CDU positioned itself for the first Bundestag election with the Düsseldorf Principles of 15 July 1949.

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Report on the KAS-Fellowship 2023

Marine researcher Antje Boetius accompanied the KAS for a year

Antje Boetius on the Arctic, the deep sea, climate change, sustainability, political consulting and women in science.

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Our mission

Nationally and internationally, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is committed to achieving and maintaining peace, freedom and justice through political education. We promote and preserve free democracy, the social market economy, and the development and consolidation of the value consensus.
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Current publications

Venezuela Oppositionsunterstützer IMAGO / ZUMA Press Wire

Presidential elections in Venezuela

Anything is possible

Gordana Siljanovska Davkova und Hristijan Mickoski bei der Übergabe eines Dokuments in Mazedonien im Juni 2024 IMAGO / Petr Stojanovski

Presidential and parliamentary elections in North Macedonia: victory for the opposition VMRO-DPMNE

VMRO-DPMNE returns to government after seven years

Vorwahlen in Uruguay KAS RP Parteiendialog und Demokratie in LA

Primaries in Uruguay

Starting signal for the hot election campaign phase

Indische Flagge und protestierende Bürger am unteren Bildrand in schwarzer Schattierung CANVA Ai Image Generator / Elias Marini-Schäfer

End of Hindu nationalism or return of caste politics?

Lessons from the Indian parliamentary elections

Thailändische Wähler mit Plakaten i.Law TH

Thailand's Quest for Democracy and the Rule of Law

Trials and setbacks since the formation of the government in 2023

French parliamentary elections 2024, 2 round Adobe Stock/ Iryna/ Generiert mit KI

2nd round of elections in France

Republican Front halts shift to the right at the last second

Labour-Partei Chef Sir Keir Starmer und seine Frau IMAGO / Cover-Images

The start of a Labour era?

Dramatic defeat of the Tories in parliamentary elections in the United Kingdom

Antje Boetius in der Arktis Alfred-Wegener-Institut/Robert Ricker (CC-BY 4.0)

Marine researcher Antje Boetius accompanied the KAS for a year

Report on the KAS-Fellowship 2023: Antje Boetius on the Arctic, the deep sea, climate change, sustainability, political consulting and women in science

Ana Brnabic und die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung KAS

Visit by the President of the Serbian National Assembly

Ana Brnabić for talks in Berlin

Headerbild Wagnis innerparteilicher Demokratie KAS

Intra-party democracy in the elections for the CDU and SPD party leadership

On the influence of regional conferences and member surveys on the increase in intra-party democracy from consensus-orientated to competition-orientated procedures

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Media library

New episode of "Auslandsinfo. Spotlight"

Migration as a political leverage? The Sahel region, Russia's influence and Europe's helplessness

Following military coups in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger, Russia is increasingly gaining influence in the Sahel region. Ulf Laessing explains the consequences of this development.

KAS USA Dialog Program

Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert: Hopes for NATO and parliamentarianism

Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert's assessment of the Alliance's birthday and his impressions of the state of parliamentarianism in Europe and the USA.

75 Jahre Nordatlantische Verteidigungsallianz

Warum die NATO gegründet wurde – und Deutschland Mitglied geworden ist

Kurz und prägnant erläutert das Video, warum die NATO 1949 gegründet wurde, wer die westliche Gemeinschaft bedrohte – und wieso die Bundesrepublik der NATO 1955 beigetreten ist.

New episode of “Auslandsinfo. Spotlight”

Nuclear weapons expert Frank Sauer: Putin's nuclear threats and the concept of nuclear deterrence

What is Russian President Putin calculating with his nuclear weapons threats? How does "nuclear deterrence" work and why is it gaining importance again?


WHO makes progress on international health regulations

Hermann Gröhe MdB, Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group and former Federal Minister of Health, reports on the latest developments.

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Main topics of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation

The leitmotif of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation "Shaping.Democracy.Together." is supported by a thematic focus. With the three main topics Sustainability needs Innovation, Freedom needs Security and Democracy needs Participation, it is made clear which topics the Konrad Adenauer Foundation will focus on in the coming years.

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Russian war of aggression on Ukraine

On our theme page you will find all publications, interviews and events on this topic, which are continuously updated and extended.

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Media News

In the press

"Trump ist nun definitiv die dominante politische Figur"

Hardy Ostry, unser Büroleiter in Washington, D.C. ordnet bei Ippen.Media ein, wie der Attentatsversuch auf Donald Trump den republikanischen Parteikonvent in Milwaukee prägt – und wieso die Demokraten die Reihen um den angeschlagenen Präsidenten Joe Biden schließen.

On the radio

"Der Spielraum von Zivilgesellschaft wird immer mehr eingeschränkt"

Unser Sahel-Experte Ulf Laessing erklärt im Deutschlandfunk Kultur, warum die Sahel-Konferenz in Berlin wichtig ist, obwohl die Rahmenbedingungen seit den Militärputschen in der Region immer schwieriger werden.

In the press

"Niemand wartet hier mehr auf Europa"

Unser Afrika-Experte Ulf Laessing hat in einem digitalen Pressegespräch mit Blick auf die Sahel-Konferenz in Berlin kommende Woche mehr Realismus im Umgang mit den Militärregierungen in Niger, Mali und Burkina Faso gefordert. In absehbarer Zeit werde es keine freien Wahlen geben.

In the press

"Die Wahlen sind noch lange nicht entschieden"

Unser Südkaukasus-Experte Stephan Malerius erklärt bei Ippen.Media, warum die Straßenproteste gegen das sogenannte „russische Gesetz“ zum Erliegen gekommen sind – und wieso in Georgien dennoch ein heißer Herbst droht.

In the press

"Marine Le Pen ist eine scharfe Kritikerin deutscher Politik"

Unsere Frankreich-Expertin Anja Czymmeck erklärt bei Focus Online, in welchen Politikfeldern es besonders problematisch für Deutschland würde, sollte die rechtsnationale Partei Rassemblement National (RN) der Populistin Marine Le Pen am Sonntag die Stichwahlen gewinnen.

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