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Expert panel

Educational Systems in Systemic Transition: German Experiences and Implications for Korea

Event Series "25 Years Peaceful Revolution in Germany" of KAS Korea

A German contemporary witness meets Korean experts.

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Next to the army schools in former East Germany were regarded as the most consequently organized subsystems of the state with regard to their centralist and communist ideology. After the fall of the Berlin wall, how was it possible to turn demands for freedom and democracy in the eductational system into practical education policy? Are there German experiences which can possibly be applied to a unified Korea?

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  • Jürgen Scharf MP
    • Member of the State parliament of the State of Saxony-Anhalt


      "We have come to learn": in Korean language
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      Dr. Norbert Eschborn


      Designated Head KAS Croatia-Slovenia
      Logo 25 Jahre friedliche Revolution in Deutschland | Quelle: Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung Presse- und Informationsamt der Bundesregierung

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