fully bookedAdenauer Media Leaders Academy
Annual Networking event for fellows and alumni of the Adenauer Fellowship
The Adenauer Media Leaders Academy is the annual networking event for fellows and alumni of the scholarship programme of the KAS Media Programme Asia, the Adenauer Fellowship. About 40-50 fellows and alumni from various Asian countries get the chance to meet face-to-face and participate in workshops under the topic AI - ethical journalism techniques, during the two days of the event. This year's Adenauer Media Leaders Academy will take place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Expert panel
Splice Beta: Supporting Media Sustainability in Asia
A festival celebrating media startups in Asia
Specialist conference
#ACPC22: Asian Conference for Political Communication 2022
The ACPC is a flagship event of the Media Programme Asia and Asia’s largest gathering of communication experts discussing the latest trends in political communication.
World Press Photo Exhibition and Workshops
The KAS Media Programme Asia supported the 2022 edition of the WPP Exhibition and a workshop series chronicling the challenges faced by media in a post truth world.
fully bookedAdenauer Media Leaders Academy 2022
The KAS Media Programme Asia invited 40 fellows to participate in this year’s Adenauer Media Leaders Academy, the first event for the Adenauer Fellowship after the pandemic.
International Media Conference
In partnership with the East West Center, the Media Programme Asia is proud to play co-host to the International Media Conference.
Expert panel
Misinformation in Medicine Summit
Exploring the mechanics of the misinformation surrounding COVID-19, journalists, doctors and technologists convene to formulate solutions to the “infodemic”
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