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Map of the Month

Donors and financial announcements made during pledging conference for Sudan in Geneva

by Sarah Ultes

Map of the Month 06/2023

During a donor conference for Sudan in Geneva on 19 June, USD 1.52 billion in pledges were received against a need of USD 3 billion. Co-organisers were the UN, the EU and the African Union, as well as Germany, Egypt, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The highest contributions came from the USA (550 million), Germany (161 million), the European Commission (151 million), Canada (102 million) and Saudi Arabia (100 million). About half of Sudan's population, 24.7 million people are in need of humanitarian aid. The pledges made fall far below the massive $2.57 billion needed for the 2023 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) which is currently only about 17% covered and the $445 million for the Regional Response Plan (RRP) which is only about 13% covered.

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Sarah Ultes

Sarah Ultes

Research Assistant +41 22 748 70 73


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