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Map of the Month

Resolution on a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in Ukraine at the UN General Assembly

by Dr. Olaf Wientzek, Sarah Ultes

Map of the Month 02/2023

One year after Russia’s invasion on Ukraine, the UN General Assembly in its 11th special emergency session on Ukraine on 23 February demands Russia to „immediately, completely and unconditionally withdraw all of its military forces from the territory of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders, (...) calls for a cessation of hostilities, (and a) complete exchange of prisoners of war, the release of all unlawfully detained persons and the return of all internees and of civilians forcibly transferred and deported, including children“. The text was adopted with 141 in favour, 7 against and 32 abstentions. Two amendments by Belarus were rejected after a vote. In comparison to last year, Mali and Nicaragua changed from abstention to a no-vote.

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The voting result in the UN General Assembly on the "Uniting for Peace" Resolution on 2 March, 2022, can be found here (map 4/4).

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Dr. Olaf Wientzek

Olaf Wientzek bild

Director of the Multinational Development Policy Dialogue Brussels +32 2 669 31 70

Sarah Ultes

Sarah Ultes

Research Associate +41 22 748 70 73


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