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Map of the Month

Central votes and positioning on Russian aggression against Ukraine

by Dr. Olaf Wientzek, Sarah Ultes

Map of the Month 03/2022

The Russian aggression against Ukraine was strongly condemned in numerous UN bodies. In the course of the past week, the pressure on the Russian Federation increased visibly. At the beginning of the week, the UN Human Rights Council had voted on holding an urgent debate. Five member states had spoken out against it. Towards the end of the week, an independent commission of enquiry on the situation in Ukraine was set up with only Eritrea voting alongside Russia against it. The text of the resolution also notes the decision by the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) to proceed with opening an investigation into the situation in Ukraine, as rapidly as possible. 39 states had so far officially referred the situation in Ukraine to the ICC. The UN General Assembly in New York also strongly condemned the Russian invasion in a historic "Uniting for Peace" resolution.

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The UN Human Rights Council resolution on the establishment of an independent commission of inquiry can be found here.

The Uniting for Peace Resolution of the UN General Assembly can be found here.

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Dr. Olaf Wientzek

Olaf Wientzek bild

Director of the Multinational Development Policy Dialogue Brussels +32 2 669 31 70

Sarah Ultes

Sarah Ultes

Research Associate +41 22 748 70 73


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