The concept of integrity is one of the basic tools for preventing corruption in an organization. In an attempt to explain the relationship between anti-corruption measures and practices, and building the integrity system, it can be concluded that the concept of integrity implies a wide range of values, attitudes and activities that enable compliance with the law, but also ethical behaviour and mutual respect between the employees, the managers towards the employees, and the users of the services, i.e., the citizens.
Integrity includes preventing corruption, but it also includes other actions and activities that lead to a better operation of an organization.
Having in mind the above, the goals of the project are defined as follows:
First, reducing the possibilities for corruption in the Municipality of Aerodrom by detecting the risks to the integrity and formulating appropriate measures for their neutralization.
Second, reducing the possibilities for errors in the functioning of the Municipality of Aerodrom by detecting weaknesses in the decision-making procedures in the broadest sense of the word.
Third, increasing the trust of the citizens in the Municipality of Aerodrom.
In order to achieve these three goals, two documents were prepared within the project:
First, the Study on the Integrity of the Municipality of Aerodrom and
Second, the Integrity Handbook of the Municipality of Aerodrom.
The Study on the Integrity of the Municipality of Aerodrom is an analysis that presents the functioning of this unit of local self-government from the aspect of its key competencies, i.e.: conducting administrative procedures and relations with clients; staff recruitment and human resource management; public procurement and asset management in the broadest sense of the word, as well as other more important competencies.
For each of these competencies or areas, risks have been detected that may affect the disruption of the integrity of the Municipality. In this sense, risks to integrity are understood as all deviations in the operation from the established rules and expectations of the citizens, whereby for each risk: a description is made that can determine whether there are violations of laws and/or bylaws or ethical norms, the reasons for its existence (external or internal) are determined, and the intensity of its presence is assessed.
The Integrity Handbook of the Municipality of Aerodrom, on the other hand, appears as a logical continuation of the Study on the Integrity of the Municipality of Aerodrom. Namely, for each risk detected in the Study, the Handbook envisages measures for neutralization of each of them.
The Handbook contains a series of measures and/or activities to improve the work of this unit of local self-government in each of the covered areas, i.e., for each individual risk.
Regarding the risk of suspicion of tendentious non-disclosure of public information, the Handbook envisages proactive and continuous publication of the information stipulated in Article 10 of the Law on Free Access to Public Information on the website of the Municipality of Aerodrom, so that they will be easily noticeable and in a format that is easy to use (user-friendly), as well as upgrading of the website of the Municipality of Aerodrom.
Regarding the risk of suspicion of favouritism when awarding funds to sports clubs, the Handbook envisages the adoption of revised bylaws, in accordance with the recommendations, as well as the establishment of a procedure for awarding funds (donations/sponsorships) based on clear criteria.
Regarding the risk of unrealistic planning of budget expenditures, which leads to unrealistic expectations of citizens, it is envisaged to change the way of planning expenditures, as well as the implementation of the concept of the so-called "Citizens' budget".
Regarding the risk of possible suspicions of abuse of discretionary powers of the mayor, it is envisaged to establish a list of discretionary powers, as well as the adoption of internal procedures for each discretionary power that will be publicly available on the website of this unit of local self-government.
Regarding the risk of suspicion of corruption due to incomplete application of the principle of delegation of competence to decide on the mayor, it is envisaged to amend the acts for internal organisation and systematisation of jobs, in order to anticipate the organisational units and specific jobs that can conduct and complete the administrative procedures.
Regarding the risk of legal uncertainty and uneven handling in administrative procedures due to lack of internal procedures, an increase in the number of internal procedures for the various administrative procedures conducted by the Municipality of Aerodrom is envisaged.
Regarding the risk of suspicions that public procurement plans are changing due to subjective reasons, steps are envisaged to strengthen the transparency and accountability when it comes to changing public procurement plans.
Regarding the risk of non-transparency in relation to public procurement plans leading to suspicions of concealment of information, measures are envisaged to strengthen the transparency and accountability for public procurement.
Regarding the risk of doubts about the regularity of public procurement due to frequent cancellations, measures are envisaged to strengthen the transparency and accountability for public procurement, as well as systematic analysis in order to reduce the percentage of cancelled tenders.
Regarding the risk of non-compliance with the ethical standards in the work of the municipality and the risk that some of the employees will not perform their tasks, steps are envisaged that should lead to it being assigned to a person/persons for integrity in the Municipality of Aerodrom.
Regarding the risk of having suspicions that close persons are engaged (persons whom there are family, friendly, party or other relations), it is envisaged to amend the act for systematization of jobs in order to provide appropriate qualifications, as well as to introduce Internal procedures for hiring persons on the basis of temporary employment or employment contract.
Presenting the measures for neutralising every risk in this way, the Handbook serves as a serious strategic-planning document for the Mayor, the councillors, but also for every employee in this Skopje municipality. Consistent observance of the measures and the time frame is a completely appropriate way to further improve the integrity and further reduce the possible corruption hotspots in this unit of local self-government.
The online pdf-edition of the handbook is available in Macedonian and Albanian.
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