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Vier Tans für die Demokratie

by Birte Schöler

Präsidentschaftswahlen in Singapur

Am 27. August 2011 strömten die Singapurer Bürger in die Wahllokale, um ihr neues Staatsoberhaupt zu wählen. Eines war zu diesem Zeitpunkt bereits klar: Welcher der vier Kandidaten auch gewinnen würde, der Name des Siegers lautete auf jeden Fall Tan.

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Dass die Entscheidung für den neuen Präsidenten, der in einigen Schlüsselbereichen mit Veto-Rechten ausgestattet ist und unter anderem die obersten Richter benennt, so knapp ausfallen würde, damit hatte jedoch kaum jemand gerechnet. Lediglich ein gutes Drittel der Wähler gaben ihre Stimme dem regierungsnahen Sieger Tony Tan. Die People´s Action Party (PAP) regiert seit 50 Jahren im Land. Das Schwache Resultat der Wahlen macht deutlich, dass die Verschiebungen auf der politischen Landkarte Singapurs durchaus das Potenzial haben, sich dauerhaft zu etablieren.

Lesen Sie den ganzen Länderbericht mit Klick auf das PDF (oben).

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Gisela Elsner

Gisela Elsner kas

Global Sustainability Policy Officer and KAS Advice and Complaints Officer +49 30 26996-3759
International Reports
April 13, 2011
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Rule of Law Rules Podcast

#11: Hannah Lim on Legal Technology in South East Asia

As Head of Rule of Law and Emerging Markets at LexisNexis in Singapore, Hannah identifies areas where LexisNexis can, leveraging on technology, support the rule of law.

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Rule of Law Rules Podcast

#6: Lee San Natalie Pang on the General Data Protection Regulation & its influence in Southeast Asia

For the last episode of our first series “Data Protection” we go to Asia and take a closer look at the Southeast with Dr Lee San Natalie Pang, our expert on Data Protection.

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Rule of Law Rules Podcast

#5: Ridwan Oloyede about the GDPR and its influence in African legal framework

Ridwan Oloyede is co-founder of a Nigerian start-up, that helps businesses to achieve operational excellence through the reliable and efficient application of technology.

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Rule of Law Rules Podcast

#4: Nadim Gemayel on the General Data Protection Regulation and its influence in Middle East

Nadim Gemayel is a politician and lawyer based in Lebanon and Qatar. He was a member of the Lebanese Parliament between 2009 and 2020.

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Rule of Law Rules Podcast

#3: Eduardo Magrani on Data Protection in Latin America

We speak with Eduardo Magrani about the General Data Protection Regulation and its influence in Brazilian and Latin American legal framework.

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Rule of Law Rules Podcast

#2: Ioana Stupariu on the GDPR's influence in South East Europe

Ioana Stupariu works with tech and healthcare start-ups and companies across Central and Eastern Europe. And she researches on Data protection & Privacy.

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Rule of Law Rules Podcast

#1: Frederick Richter on the the EU’s GDPR and data protection worldwide

We look at the EU’s GDPR: How is data protection handled in other parts of the world? How can we establish international standards? And what will happen next?

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