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Islamism in East Germany

by Caspar Schliephack

Current trends and challenges

In the eastern German federal states, the activities and membership numbers of groups in the Islamist phenomenon are relatively modest. However, this should not obscure the fact that the scene has changed significantly over the last ten years, both quantitatively and qualitatively: the potential number of Islamist individuals has grown steadily in all eastern German federal states during this period and Islamist actors and organisations have increased their local activities, founded associations, taken over prayer rooms and recruited followers.

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Islamism is a relatively young phenomenon in East Germany, especially in comparison to other forms of extremism. In connection with this, the scene's actor structures and activity are manageable, although there has been a negative trend in the last decade, as there has been a significant increase in those characteristics in terms of quantity and quality. 

This growth can be explained not least by targeted activities in the digital world. Information about daily political events, general campaigns or other offers on social media are common tactics for recruiting members. However, the prevailing structural weakness in parts of eastern Germany also serves as a gateway, as there are few alternatives – both in the religious and leisure spectrum. Younger people in particular are the target group of Islamist groups, and the corresponding narratives take hold in both rural and urban areas thanks to professionally tailored online offers. 

Another key trend is the intensification of digital and analogue activities by various Islamist groups since the HAMAS terrorist attack on Israel on 7 October 2023. This reveals various attempts to exploit the strong emotionalisation of the Middle East conflict for their own ends. 

The third focus of the publication is on the "Islamist North Caucasian scene" (INS). It is characterised by a considerable potential for violence, which is why it poses particular challenges for the security authorities. 

Read the entire publication "Islamismus in Ostdeutschland" here as a PDF. Please note, to date the analysis is only available in German.

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Felix Neumann

Felix Neumann

Counter-extremism and counter-terrorism +49 30 26996-3879
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