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Dante Fernández/ FocoUy

Country reports

Political breakthrough on EU-Mercosur trade agreement

Founding of one of the world's largest economic areas after 25 years of negotiations

After a quarter century of negotiations, a surprising political agreement on the EU-Mercosur pact was reached at the Mercosur Summit in Montevideo on December 6. In an era of growing protectionism and increasing multipolarity, this breakthrough is of central importance. By establishing one of the world's largest trading blocs, the EU, after 25 years of negotiations, creates facts and demonstrates its ability to act. In light of China's investment offensive in the region, this represents an important geopolitical signal. EU member states are now called upon to swiftly ratify and bring the agreement to life.

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Henning Suhr

Henning Suhr bild

Head of the Department International Dialogue Programs +49 30 26996-1013
+27 (11)214 2900-201

Jonathan Neu

Zu sehen ist ein Portaitfoto von Jonathan Neu

Trainee Regional Program Party Dialogue and Democracy /Country Program Uruguay +598 2902 0943


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Media library

A Closer Look: The New Tunisian Draft Constitution

A Closer Look: The New Tunisian Draft Constitution

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Rule of Law Rules Podcast

#3: Eduardo Magrani on Data Protection in Latin America

We speak with Eduardo Magrani about the General Data Protection Regulation and its influence in Brazilian and Latin American legal framework.

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#2: Ioana Stupariu on the GDPR's influence in South East Europe

Ioana Stupariu works with tech and healthcare start-ups and companies across Central and Eastern Europe. And she researches on Data protection & Privacy.

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Rule of Law Rules Podcast

#1: Frederick Richter on the the EU’s GDPR and data protection worldwide

We look at the EU’s GDPR: How is data protection handled in other parts of the world? How can we establish international standards? And what will happen next?

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