In response to the climate crisis, Germany has set ambitious climate protection targets: by 2030, greenhouse gas emissions are to be reduced by 65 percent compared to 1990; a reduction of 88 percent is to be achieved by 2040. 2045 is the target year for greenhouse gas neutrality. An important building block on the way to achieving these goals is the expansion of renewable energies. Their share in electricity production is to be increased.
The basic requirement for successful implementation is not only investment incentives, but also incentives to integrate renewable energies into the system. This is where smart market design is crucial. EPICO KlimaInnovation and the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung have developed innovation-oriented solution proposals for the development of such a market design. As a result, they identified, among other things, a digital, cross-border and temporally granular design of green electricity marketing as an important concept component for an innovative market design.
Guarantees of origin are an important tool in green electricity marketing, as they enable end consumers to document the share of renewable energies in their consumption. The present study deals with granular proofs of origin in a solution-oriented manner. For example, she works out how granular guarantees of origin create flexibility incentives through their price signal and thus contribute to better system integration of renewable energies.