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The Future of NATO and Ukraine

Next Steps after the Alliance's Washington Summit

It is a historic summit: NATO’s leaders gathered in Washington, DC, to celebrate the alliance’s founding 75 years ago. However, the celebratory mood is subdued, as NATO is facing several challenges. Join us as we discuss NATO’s strategy for global security and how it may be implemented in the years to come.

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The highly anticipated NATO Summit is set to conclude on Thursday, July 11. As the World Leaders return to their home countries, KAS USA brings together representatives based in the United States, Germany, and Ukraine to take a closer look at the outcome of the summit, with particular attention given to the ongoing war in Ukraine and what it may mean for Europe.


  • Dr. Johann Wadephul, Member of Bundestag, Deputy Chairman for Foreign Affairs and Defense Policy, Head of the German Parliamentary Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.
  • Oleksij Goncharenko, Member of the Ukrainian Parliament, Member of the Ukrainian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.
  • Giselle Donnelly, Senior Fellow in Defense and National Security, American Enterprise Institute (AEI).


  • Liana Fix, Fellow for Europe, Council on Foreign Relations.

The views, conclusions and recommendations expressed by the panelists are solely theirs and do not reflect the views of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, or its employees.


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Erin Barrett

Erin Barrett

Program Manager +1 202 464 5843