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Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence

Complex algorithms in interaction with politics and society


If a machine is expected to be infallible, it cannot also be intelligent.

Alan Turing, Mathematician, cryptanalyst and computer scientist

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At a glance

  • The analogue and digital worlds are increasingly overlapping and merging. Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a key role in this. Applications of generative AI have made it accessible to the general public.
  • AI is regarded as a basic technology for innovative products and services that increase productivity and prosperity. At the same time, it represents a challenge for democracy, e.g. with regard to the labour market, elections and cyber security.
  • Competition for powerful AI has flared up and is taking place along global value and supply chains. Governments around the world are defining AI strategies and building up AI expertise. This is impressively demonstrated by the growing importance of the semiconductor industry, robotics and quantum computing.
  • Cooperation between politics, business and society is needed to exploit the opportunities of AI and minimise the risks. Technology is important for maintaining a free and progressive society. Our work aims to promote a better understanding of AI technologies.)



1. A digital tool for efficient data filtering

2. We want to create a better understanding of AI technology

3. Our offers and projects on the topic

4. Publications, events and media contributions on the topic


In a highly interconnected society like ours, the exchange and communication with digital information shapes the everyday life. At the same time, the everyday life itself also produces data that impacts our lives. In order for us to manage the ever growing overlap of the analogue and digital world, we need suitable tools. One suitable tool is artificial intelligence (AI).


A digital tool for efficient data filtering

In simple terms artificial intelligence can be described as an automation software. It is able to efficiently scan a multitude of different data in a specifically problem-oriented manner. It helps to distinguish important information from unimportant information and to calculate individually tailored solutions from large sets of data. There are AI systems that manage tasks independently and without human help, such as the autonomous car. Other systems show their potential in interaction with humans, such as within the medical sector in the analysis of disease patterns.

It is important to note, that AI is not a digital brain, designed to think better or faster than humans. Above all, AI is a digital tool. It helps to transfer human logic and human thinking from the analogue to the digital world and to categorise data and make recommendations based on the guidelines we as humans program into the system. Herein lies the technology’s strength, but also the risks.


We want to create a better understanding of AI technology

On this page we would like to share with you analyses, expert opinions and relevant events on the topic of Artificial Intelligence. Our aim is to develop a better understanding of the AI technology and to showcase the interplay between society, politics and Artificial Intelligence. The spectrum of topics ranges from the innovative power of AI, to questions of law, to fundamental ethical issues.

We at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung are convinced that technology in general, and Artificial Intelligence in particular, is an essential element in maintaining a free and progressive society. Along our Christian democratic values, our view of the technology focuses on the human being in the center.

Our offers and projects on the topic

Interactive web publication

With our publication “AI_Understanding a Technology_Trusting a Technology”, we would like to present  an interactive publication answering general questions regarding AI, including interesting facts from a wide range of disciplines that come into play when talking about the essential functions of this technology. In addition to the presentation below, you can also find the pdf version of the publication.

Please click here to view the contents.
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AI_Understanding a Technology_Trusting a Technology


Selected publication projects

Beyond individual publications on specific aspects of artificial intelligence, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has carried out a number of different publication projects on the topic, a selection of which we present here.

Quantum computing and its importance for society


Whether economically or in a societal context, quantum computing has great potential. The technology of quantum computers represents a significant technical advance. Our publications on this groundbreaking future technology deal with the potentials of quantum computers, their fundamentals and possible applications.


Learn more about quantum computing publications

Artificial intelligence and human rights


With a three-part publication series, we want to show that artificial intelligence (AI) not only drives the productivity of an economy, but also empowers individuals to claim and assert their own rights. Through two expert interviews and an interactive web publication, we look at the legal implications, the design aspect of human-machine interaction and provide examples of how AI is strengthening human rights at this stage of development.


Learn more about artificial intelligence and human rights

The metaverse


Inspired by the science fiction novel "Snow Crash", the term metaverse describes on the one hand technological applications that make it possible to virtually experience and walk through 3D worlds. On the other hand, it is linked to the assumption that a new and possibly the final stage of digitalisation has been introduced. The technologies of the metaverse are already being used today, e.g. in video games. On a separate overview page, we explain which other application scenarios already exist, which are conceivable in the future and what requirements this entails for the digital infrastructure.


Learn more about the metaverse

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Dr. Christian Hübner


Artificial Intelligence +49 30 26996 3264
Adobe Stock / FAMILY STOCK
May 10, 2024
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March 19, 2024
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Event Reports
Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung/Tina Flemming
March 21, 2024
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Single title
January 12, 2024
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Publications, events and media contributions on the topic

Our contributions are as wide-ranging and multifaceted as the topic itself!

Whether it's an expert interview, specialist publication or hot debate - click through and you're guaranteed to find the right format for you!

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Publications to the topic

G7 Italia IMAGO / SOPA Images

The Pope at the G7 summit

How to tame artificial intelligence?

Quantencomputer Adobe Stocke / Bartek Wróblewski

Quantencomputer: Hardware-Upgrade für Künstliche Intelligenz

Schneller, Effizienter und Intelligenter

Resolution der UN-Generalversammlung zu künstlicher Intelligenz (KI)

Map of the Month 04/2024


Croatian security industry 2024

International Conference



Gesellschaftliche Chancen und Risiken Künstlicher Intelligenz im politischen Prozess

Political Prompt Engineering kas

Political Prompt Engineering

Ein Leitfaden für den Einsatz Künstlicher Intelligenz in der Politik

Analyse und Argumente: adobe stock / VectorMine

AI methods for specific challenges in education

Enabling effective support and challenge

Future retirement home - three elderly men with VR headsets Adobe Stock / Dr.Söd / Generated with AI

The digital divide in society

Results from a representative survey on artificial intelligence

SG AI (1)

Singapore’s National Strategy in the Global Race for AI

A brief overview of the new Singapore’s National AI Strategy and latest development of the regulatory frameworks

KI in Subsahara-Afrika Media Lens King,

AI in Subsahara-Africa – Afrofuturism without African languages?

The challenges for large language models

KI-Entwicklung im Systemwettbewerb

AI Development and Systemic Rivalry

A Chance for Germany?

Palais des Nations Geneva II

Geneva Barometer

Developments among Geneva-based international organisations from October to December 2023

KI Header

Risiken generativer KI für unsere freiheitlich demokratische Gesellschaft

Risiken generativer KI für unsere freiheitlich demokratische Gesellschaft

KI Header

Künstliche Intelligenz: Chancen nutzen und gestalten

Künstliche Intelligenz: Chancen nutzen und gestalten

Multilateraler Dialog Genf, Genfer Grosswetterlage UN Photo / Jean-Marc Ferré

Geneva Barometer

Developments among Geneva-based international organisations from end-April to mid-July 2023

platzhalter01_weißNGGN DPM

Alles Robot, oder was?

Die Dreizehn-Millionen-Lücke in Japan

Manipulation und Desinformation im Metaverse Adobe Stock / Oleksiy Oliinyk

Manipulation and Disinformation in the Metaverse

What Are the Challenges and How to Counter Them?

KI Header

Schöne neue KI-Welt? Risiken im Umgang mit ChatGPT und Co.

KI Header

Revolutioniert ChatGPT die politische Kommunikation?

Bundeswehr der Zukunft - Verantwortung und Künstliche Intelligenz Logo KAS

Bundeswehr of the Future

Responsibility and Artificial Intelligence

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Events on the topic




Höher, schneller, weiter?!

Eine Einführung in die Welt der Künstlichen Intelligenz




Rechtliche Dimensionen der KI: Zwischen Innovation und Verantwortung

Veranstaltungsreihe: " Grenzen - Realität und Zukunftsfähigkeit von Künstlicher Intelligenz"




Menschlichkeit im digitalen Zeitalter

Löst die Künstliche Intelligenz einen gesellschaftlichen Wandel aus?

Event Reports on the topic

Event Reports on the topic

Begrüßung zum Hi Ai – KI-Kongress Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung/Tina Flemming

Artificial intelligence as a driver of innovation in government and society

Hi Ai - the AI congress for everyone

Künstliche Intelligenz

Forum Künstliche Intelligenz

Veranstaltungsbericht zum internen Workshop mit dem KAS Fellow 2020/21 Prof. Dr. Armin Nassehi

Das "C" in KI. Technologie für die Gesellschaft

Ein Gespräch mit Nadine Schön, Jonas Andrulis und Armin Nassehi

Jason Chumtong und Wiebke Winter Gerrit Wilcke und Gottfried Schwarz (v.l.n.r)

kas-kompakt "Künstliche Intelligenz: Chancen und Risiken"

Online-Veranstaltung mit Jason Chumtong und Wiebke Winter

MESCHMASCH - das Online-Portal zu Künstlicher Intelligenz und Robotik Constanze Brinckmann / Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

Die Zukunft von KI gestalten

Über die Analyse der Potenziale und Schwächen Europas im Bereich KI

What's next? – Titelbild

High Way or Wrong Way

Opportunities and Challenges for a Global Data Governance Framework

 Enquete hat fertig KAS

KI-Expertise für den Bundestag

Enquete-Kommission zu Künstlicher Intelligenz legt Abschlussbericht vor

Künstliche Intelligenz Bild von Gerd Altmann auf Pixabay

Bundestagsabgeordnete Ronja Kemmer, Beauftragte der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion für Künstliche Intelli...

Interview und Diskussion zur politischen Förderung und Steuerung von Zukunftstechnologien und zur Umsetzung eines neu gedachten Digitalministeriums. Eine Maßnahme der digitalen Pol...

Kind mit Laptop programmiert einen Roboter in der Schule Samuel Mann / flickr / CC BY 2.0

Künstliche Intelligenz an der Schule?

Bericht zum digitalen Fachgespräch "KI an der Schule - Zwischen individualisiertem Lernen und totaler Überwachung"

R. Prof. Dott. Dr. Dr. Dr. Roland Benedikter, Zukunftsforscher, verschafft einen gesellschaftspolitischen und ethischen Überblcik zum Thema. PBF Thüringen KAS

Autonomes Fahren - die Mobilität der Zukunft?

Veranstaltungsbericht Thüringer Mobilitätsgespräch

Isa Willingers Einführungsrede PBF Thüringen KAS

Hi, Ai. Liebesgeschichten aus der Zukunft

Filmvorführung und Gespräch

Hi, Ai Plakat Rise and Shine Cinema

Hi, Ai. Liebesgeschichten aus der Zukunft

Filmvorführung und Gespräch

Diskussion mit Isa Willinger zu ihrem Film PBF Thüringen KAS

Hi, Ai. Liebesgeschichten aus der Zukunft

Filmvorführung und Gespräch

Podiumsdiskussion: Dr. Norbert Lossau, Fabian Klaus, Jochen Fasco (v. l. n. r.) PBF Thüringen KAS

Wie Künstliche Intelligenz die Medien verändert


Das Forum während der Veranstaltung. Christian Thiel

Politikempfehlungen für KI

Mitglieder der Enquete-Kommission diskutieren aktuellen Arbeitsstand

Unternehmensbesuch beim chinesischen Internet-Giganten KAS

„Mit dem Aufstieg Chinas geht eine wachsende Verantwortung einher“

Stellvertretender Generalsekretär Dr. Gerhard Wahlers zu Gesprächen in China

190529 Lammert KI Cover

Dialogprogramm Künstliche Intelligenz

KI in Deutschland - Internationale Perspektiven

Forum der Akademie KAS/Liebers

Deutschland muss sich ranhalten

B53-140319-1_Künstliche Intelligenz KAS

Künstliche Intelligenz - unsere Aufgabe! Nicht die der Maschinen.

Künstliche Intelligenz und Kunst: „Am Anfang steht immer der Mensch“

Prof. Dr. Klaus Siebenhaar über Kreativität bei Mensch und Maschine


Media library

Hi Ai – der KI-Kongress für alle

Künstliche Intelligenz ist Chance für unsere Demokratie

Auf unserem KI-Kongress haben wir gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern & spannenden Speakern die Multiperspektive von KI aufgezeigt.

Hi Ai – der KI-Kongress für alle

Künstliche Intelligenz & die neue Art, zu lernen

Wir müssen darüber sprechen, wie KI systematisch im Bildungssektor eingesetzt werden kann, um Lehrkräfte sowie Schülerinnen und Schüler zu befähigen und zu fördern.

Hi Ai – der KI-Kongress für alle

AI meets Education auf unserem KI-Kongress

Im Bildungsbereich unterstützen KI-Assistenzen Lehrkräfte, jedoch ohne sie zu ersetzen. In Workshops und Panels konnten wir konkrete Take-aways identifizieren.

Digitaler Dependenz Index

Digitale Autonomie in der EU "kaum mehr als eine Illusion"

Deutschlandfunk Nova greift unsere neue Studie zur Abhängigkeit der Digitalwirtschaft auf.

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AI in medicine

The Charité's AI strategy

AI in medical treatment and as an elementary tool for digitalisation - a conversation with Martin Peuker, CIO of Charité (only in German).

AI Made in Europe

Aleph Alpha: AI research from Europe

Jonas Andrulis, CEO of Aleph Alpha, explains in the expert video how AI research from Europe secures European sovereignty in the digital space (only in German).

AI and the EU

Commentary on the EU AI White Paper

An interview with Ronja Kemmer, MP, about the Bundestag's position on the European Commission's AI White Paper (only in German).

Quantum computing

Quantum computers and their significance for society

An explanatory video about the basic principles and potential of quantum computing (only in German).

Jugendpolitiktag 2018

Wie denkt die Jugend über Künstliche Intelligenz?

Im selbstgedrehten Film der Schülerinnen und Schülern des Filmworkshops beim Jugendpolitiktag geht es um die Frage wie die Jugend über Künstliche Intelligenz denkt.

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