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Country reports

A lot of news in the East: NATO combat brigades for the Baltic States

by Andreas Geyer, Oliver Morwinsky

6 countries - 2 ways - 1 common purpose: Scaling the trip wire to heavy ordnance

Russia's expanded and unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine since February 2022 continues to determine NATO's course. While the response to the vaguely formulated Ukrainian membership perspective in NATO varied widely after the recent summit in Vilnius, the allies' positioning against Russia's aggression is supported by a broad consensus. Both, the measures agreed upon by the allies in the summits' communiqué and further bilateral agreements reached in recent months, leave no doubt: NATO partners stand together.

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The following gives a short overview on the different approaches the partners and host nations in the three Baltic states agreed on. To secure the Baltic States, Canada, Great Britain and Germany are currently reinforcing their troops on the eastern flank. The recent German announcement to permanently deploy a brigade in Lithuania came not only by surprise, it is also a completely different approach than that of the partners. Considering the challenges involved, for good reason.


The full-length publication is only available in German.

Grafik: NATO-Kampfbrigaden fürs Baltikum KAS
Grafik: NATO-Kampfbrigaden fürs Baltikum

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Oliver Morwinsky

Oliver Morwinsky bild

Head of the Baltic States Offices +371 673 312 64
Country reports
February 28, 2023
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The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is a political foundation. Our offices abroad are in charge of over 200 projects in more than 120 countries. The country reports offer current analyses, exclusive evaluations, background information and forecasts - provided by our international staff.