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Data policy

Data Policy

A Competitive Europe Equipped for the Digital Age


We need to find our own European path by channelling the exchange and broad use of data while safeguarding high ethical, data protection and safety standards.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission
(in her political guidelines for the 2019-2024 Commission)

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At a glance

  • The concept of “data” can be understood as any digital representation or compilation of actions, facts or information in the form of sound, image or audiovisual material.
  • In the digital world, data is a decisive factor for economic success. However, digital markets can only function if they are supported by strong policies that promote competition.
  • Promoting competition in the handling of data should counter monopoly-forming forces and thus open up opportunities and potential for innovation.
  • In order to fully tap into and maximise the economic potential of data, it needs to be recognised as an economic asset and requires a binding legal framework for its use.
  • The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung strongly advocates for the digital single market and discusses legal concepts that facilitate the distribution of rights to access, use and reuse digital data. 



1. What is data and how is it classified?

2. Digital markets need strong pro-competition policy

3. The economic potential of data still needs to be unlocked

4. Our offers and projects on the topic

5. Publications, events and media contributions on the topic


According to communication theory, there is a clear distinction between data and information, whereby knowledge is often included as a third category. In the general discussion and in many laws, both terms are often used synonymously, however.


What is data and how is it classified?

For regulatory purposes, we understand the term “data” as any digital representation of actions, facts or information as well as any compilation of such actions, facts or information in the form of sound, image or audio-visual material.

In summary that means there is personal, machine-generated public sector data. They are distinguished according to the reference point and/or financing basis. This classification only describes the initial situation. As soon as the personal reference of internet-of-things data can be established, data is subject to a more rigorous usage regime.


Digital markets need strong pro-competition policy

Digital markets can only function well if they are supported by a strong pro-competition policy. This is to counter power-concentrating and monopoly-forming forces so as to open up possibilities for innovation. That is why we consider competition policy aspects to be at the heart of debates on the European data strategy.

With our products, be it events or political analyses, we attempt to depict the complexity of the data spectrum and develop political guidance for the Digital Single Market. Since the data spectrum (open-shared-closed, according to the British Open Data Institute) determines the use of data. The spectrum defines whether the data is open and accessible or closed and protected by regulation, or whether certain data can be used in certain models despite being protected.


The economic potential of data still needs to be unlocked

The economic potential of data can only be tapped into when it is recognised by society as an economic asset, and can be used in a clear legal framework. Both aspects form part of a political, economic and legal discussion.

As a political foundation, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung would like to use its studies on the Digital Single Market, in line with the principles of social market economy, to put potentially cross-sectoral legal concepts up for discussion, which facilitate the assignment of rights of access, use and re-use of digital data.

Our offers and projects on the topic

Event series

Once a year in autumn, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung organises the European Data Summit. The three-day international conference is one of our flagship events and is considered an important event format around digital and data topics. The event will take place in Berlin and digitally.

European Data Summit


The European Data Summit addresses the political prerequisites for a digital single market in Europe and provides new impetus and regulatory approaches for the European data economy. The three-day event will bring together experts who have a significant influence on the new competition law framework in Europe. These range from high-level policy makers, European regulators and data activists to renowned competition economists.


Learn more about the European Data Summit


Selected publication projects

Beyond individual publications and events on certain aspects of data and competition policy, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has implemented a range of different publication projects on the topic, a selection of which we present to you here.

Data Protection Law and Data Trust


Europe has shown confidence in digital policy with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). An improved understanding of issues pertaining to data protection and the extraterritorial impact of European data protection standards are important milestones. The current picture of data protection is a mixed one: Some deem the basic right to be sacrosanct. While others consider EU data protection law in its specific form to be inviolable.

Data trustees are institutions that bring together data providers and data recipients, either by establishing direct contact between these two parties so that data can be exchanged with each other (broker function), or by receiving data from the data provider and passing it on to the data recipient (seller function).

With our publication articles on data protection and data trust topics, we would like to provide you with detailed information on different perspectives and the current status of relevant debates on these controversial topics.


Learn more about the publications on data protection law and data trust

Open Data and Open Government


Information that can be processed electronically plays an important role in our society. The basis for this information is data. It is an inexhaustible, renewable resource that generates added value primarily through joint use, and which no longer only affects politics, science and business in general, but citizens directly.

The term “open data” describes a concept in which this machine-readable and structured information can be freely used, re-used and disseminated by anyone through the use of open usage rights. Our publication series on “open data” looks at different aspects of this topic.


Learn more about the open data publications

Competition Policy in the Digital World


Europe has shown confidence in digital policy with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). An improved understanding of issues pertaining to data protection and the extraterritorial impact of European data protection standards are important milestones. The current picture of data protection is a mixed one: Some deem the basic right to be sacrosanct. While others consider EU data protection law in its specific form to be inviolable.

Data trustees are institutions that bring together data providers and data recipients, either by establishing direct contact between these two parties so that data can be exchanged with each other (broker function), or by receiving data from the data provider and passing it on to the data recipient (seller function).

With our publication articles on data protection and data trust topics, we would like to provide you with detailed information on different perspectives and the current status of relevant debates on these controversial topics.


Learn more about the publications on data protection law and data trust

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Dr Pencho Kuzev


Data and the Competition Policy +49 30 26996-3247 +49 30 26996-3551
Event reports
December 22, 2022
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Single title
December 18, 2020
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Single title
February 5, 2020
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Publications, events and media contributions on the topic

Our contributions are as wide-ranging and multifaceted as the topic itself!

Whether it's an expert interview, specialist publication or hot debate - click through and you're guaranteed to find the right format for you!

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Publications on this topic

Darstellung Digitalministerium Adobe Stock / wahyu; generiert mit KI

Why an independent Digital Ministry is indispensable and how it could be structured

Shaping the Digital Future: One Size Does Not Fit All – The Urgent Need for a Dedicated Ministry for Digital Transformation

Photomontage of Elon Musk and Donald Trump in front of the European Commission building Johnny Ryan

Creating the Space for Competitive & Resilient Digital Europe

Streamline Enforcement or Risk Prosperity and Safety

Cover ktsimage

Bridging the Transatlantic Digital Divide

Reflections from the KAS-Wilson Center Roundtable on Digital Trade

WTO Seeseite KAS Genf

The E-Commerce Moratorium: 404 Not Found

European Data Summit 2023 Jana Reimann-Grohs/KAS

Cadenabbia Memorandum on the European Cloud Policy

Europe’s Quest for a Sovereign Cloud

Informationssicherheit Adobe Stock / Twinny B Studio

There is still a gap between the federal states and municipalities

How municipal information security can be strengthened

Skyline of Seoul Pexels / 정 규송 Nui MALAMA

Digitale Verwaltung in Korea – mit gutem Beispiel voran

Verwaltungsmodernisierung auf hohem Niveau

Ein Smartphone mit einer gestarteten e-Government-App liegt auf einem Tisch neben einer Topfpflanze unsplash / Shiwa-id / yellow too

In the digital transformation, trust is animportant currency

A worthwhile comparison with Asia

Data Security, Privacy and Innovation Capability in Asia iStock by Getty images / hakule

Data Security, Privacy and Innovation Capability in Asia

Findings from a representative survey in Japan, Singapore and Taiwan

Konsultation zum 3. Nationalen Aktionsplan der Open Government Partnership

Restoring Balance to Digital Competition

Restoring Balance to Digital Competition – Sensible Rules, Effective Enforcement

Traditional businesses and civil society are increasingly dependent on large online platforms. How can we restore the balance to digital competition?

Open Data

Open Data in Deutschland und Europa

Vorschlag zur Weiterentwicklung des rechtlichen Rahmens einer Informationsordnung (Open Data – Public-Service-Information Richtlinie)

Building a European Data Infrastructure

Opening Up Europe

A Single Market With a Common Data Policy

Internet of Things

Repräsentatives Dateneigentum

Ein zivilgesellschaftliches Bürgerrecht

Deutschland in der Open Government Partnership

Erster Nationaler Aktionsplan der Bundesregierung

Bessere Kommunen dank Open Data

Mehrwerte für die kommunale Verwaltung und die Gesellschaft

Open Government und Open Data

Transparenz, Partizipation, Kooperation

Der Algorithmus des Verbrechens

Potential und Grenzen von „Predictive Policing“

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Event Reports on the topic

Event Reports on the topic

European Data Summit 2022 KAS

Sustainability Requires Innovation

Searching for a Fair Distribution Key in the Data Economy when Competition Matters

European Data Summit 2021 - Stage 2 Juliane Liebers

The Time is Now – Ready for Competition

European Data Summit 2021

European Data Summit 2020 Juliane Liebers

A Vision for a More Competitive Europe

European Data Summit 2020

Titelbild Open Data

Open Data ernst gemeint

Vorschlag zur Weiterentwicklung des rechtlichen Rahmens einer Informationsordnung

European Data Summit - Panel 1 KAS/Juliane Liebers

„The winner takes it all“ – Keynote von Philip Marsden

European Data Summit 2019 Thomas Heilmann, Pencho Kuzev, Rebekka Weiß und Percy Ott KAS

Datenschutz mit Nebenwirkungen

European Data Summit Juliane Liebers

Daten zum Wohle aller

European Data Summit 2018

Keine Angst vor KI

Wissenschaftler, Gründer und Investoren diskutieren beim "forum digital" über die Intelligenz von Menschen und Maschinen

Mein Haus, mein Auto, meine Daten?

Rechtswissenschaftler Karl-Heinz Fezer stellt in Berlin Konzept für ein „Repräsentatives Dateneigentum“ vor

„Digital denken bedeutet, in Netzwerken zu denken“

Diesjähriges Netzwerktreffen der Hauptabteilung Politik und Beratung widmet sich dem Thema Digitalisierung

Alles Liebe, oder was?

Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung auf der re:publica 2017

Digitale Gesellschaft - Potenzial für eine neue Gründerzeit

Deutschland 4.0 - Wie verändert Digitalisierung unser Leben?

Open Data ist eine Frage der Kultur

Auf der CEBIT 2017 diskutierten Experten darüber, wie man das Open-Data-Potenzial ausschöpfen kann

Digitalisierte öffentliche Verwaltung. Was bedeutet E-Government und Bürgernähe?

Fit machen für den digitalen Wandel in Europa

"Readie Digital Policy Summit" in Berlin zur Digitalisierung der Zukunft

Politische Gestaltungspotentiale in NRW durch Digitalisierung?!

„Open Data – Revolution in der Datennutzung?“

KAS-kompakt fortgesetzt

Digitalisierung, Cloud-Worker und Work-live-Blending

Verantwortlich wirtschaften - Maßnahmen für eine neue Lebensqualität

Podiumsdiskussion 'Open Government und Social Media - Potenziale der digitalen Stadt von Morgen'

Stadt der Zukunft - Zukunft der Stadt

Panel 1: KAS

„Wir müssen den Wert der offenen Daten erkennen“

Experten diskutierten über die Nutzung und Herausforderungen von Open Data


Media library

European Data Summit 2021

THE GDPR – The law of unintended consequences

Implementing and complementing it or fixing it? View our discussion on the GDPR at the European Data Summit 2021.

European Data Summit 2021

Interview with Francesco Bonfiglio, CEO GAIA-X AISBL

Francesco is determined to set with the GAIA-X the future cloud rulebook for the world. We met him after his keynote at the European Data Summit 2021 for a short interview.

European Data Summit 2021

Interview with Dr. Tommaso Valletti, Professor of Economics Imperial College London

Valletti specialized in industrial economics, regulation, and competition economics. We met him after his keynote at the European Data Summit 2021 for a short interview.

European Data Summit 2021

Interview with Dr. Markus Richter, Federal CIO German Government

Dr Markus Richter is State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community and Federal Chief Information Officer of the German Government.

European Data Summit 2021

Interview with Dr. Johnny Ryan, Senior Fellow ICCL / Open Markets Institute

Ryan is focused on surveillance, data rights, competition/anti-trust, and privacy. We met him after his keynote at the European Data Summit 2021 for a short interview.

Juliane Liebers
European Data Summit 2021

Recordings of the European Data Summit 2021

Wide range of topics: From data use by government agencies to the "blind spots" of the GDPR - The playlist of all videos for the European Data Summit 2021 can be found here.

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Juliane Liebers
European Data Summit 2020

Recordings of the European Data Summit 2020

"The winner takes it all" was the motto of the third European Data Summit. Here you can find a playlist of recordings of this year's event.

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European Data Summit 2019

Recordings of the European Data Summit 2019

The European Data Summit 2019 took place under the motto "Competition Matters". Click here for the playlist with interviews of this year's speakers.

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Does the GDPR promote competition?

Statement by Rebekka Weiß, Head of Trust & Security, Bitkom e. V.

Is the GDPR pro-competitive for the European economy? With the new standard setting, a new claim could be exported. (In German)

Interview with Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Fezer

Representative data ownership - introducing a special right to data?

Interview with Prof. Dr Karl-Heinz Fezer, author of the study "Repräsentatives Dateneigentum - Ein zivilgesellschaftliches Bürgerrecht". (In German)

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