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Bundeswehr of the Future

by Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Koch

Responsibility and Artificial Intelligence

The Russian war against Ukraine has brought the need for a Bundeswehr ready for operations to the public's attention. Besides a debate on equipment, there is also a need to address the digital transformation of the armed forces and the technological developments of the 21st century. In particular, the use of artificial intelligence (AI) interrogates the German armed forces and German society on the extent to which AI can and should be used militarily. What are the possibilities and limits? How should the autonomy of weapon systems be dealt with in the future, and what role do soldiers play in this?

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Bundeswehr of the Future – Responsibility and Artificial Intelligence


This anthology discusses the framework conditions for a responsible use of AI in the German armed forces from historical, political, social, ethical, and legal perspectives. Among other interrogations, these contributions address the question of how the principles of inner leadership can be further developed to take into account artificially intelligent technologies and, conversely, how artificially intelligent machines can be conceived in such a way that maintains people’s mental and emotional awareness and that technically facilitates their responsible use in military operations.



Bundeswehr of the Future: Citizens in Uniform and Artificial Intelligence

The letter in which I was asked to write the foreword to this anthology arrived a few days before Russia's brutal invasion of Ukraine. That makes it clear that the questions at hand, to which so many excellent authors have dedicated themselves, did not arise with the war in Ukraine. They are fundamental questions, indeed challenges, arising from the technological developments of recent decades. 

Read the foreword to "Bundeswehr of the Future: Citizens in Uniform and Artificial Intelligence" by Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer as a PDF here.



Military mission between technical options and ethical orientations

Since Russia's attack on Ukraine in February 2022, the mission and equipment of the German armed forces have shifted the focus of public attention towards national security. Politicians and German society have realized with sudden horror that, because of a seemingly completely changed threat situation, we can currently protect ourselves military-wise insufficiently. 

Read the introduction "Military Mission Between Technical Options and Ethical Orientations" by Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert as a PDF here.


Chapter 1

Inner leadership in the area of tension with artificial intelligence: What does this mean for the citizen in uniform?

Thinking and shaping inner leadership and artificial intelligence together.

The concept of inner leadership is an integral part of the German armed forces. It anchors the German armed forces, with soldiers as citizens in uniform at the heart of our society. This anchor shall not be released by the use of artificial intelligence. As much inner leadership in artificial intelligence as possible and as much artificial intelligence in inner leadership as necessary - with these two guidelines, inner leadership and artificial intelligence can be thought about and designed together. By doing so, the principles of inner leadership can also exist in the German armed forces of the future, and the model of the citizen in uniform can be found.

Read here the article "Thinking about and shaping inner guidance and artificial intelligence together" by Dr. Eva Högl and Sebastian Jüngst as a PDF here.


Inner Leadership in the Age of artificial intelligence

The article does not see artificial intelligence (AI) as an opposition to inner leadership nor as a threat. On the contrary, inner leadership provides already valuable indications for a responsible approach to AI as a compass of values with the free democratic basic order and the Basic Law as a framework.  The human representation of the concept of inner leadership is based on the fundamental maturity and responsibility of the citizen in uniform, which must be fostered in the interests of personal development. AI can also provide valuable impulses for the further conceptual development of this leadership philosophy if the possibilities and limits as well as the opportunities and risks of AI are defined and analyzed beforehand. AI is not an end in itself. AI must facilitate leadership, processes, and decisions or even improve them, and at the same time represent added value in terms of security policy. However, the ultimate ethical responsibility remains with the individual, the soldier as a citizen in uniform. 

Read the article "Inner leadership in the age of artificial intelligence" by Major General André Bodemann and Lieutenant Colonel Dr. Peter Popp here.


Three Theses on the National Regulation of Autonomy in Weapon Systems.

This article argues that Germany needs a national guideline for the use of autonomy in weapon systems. With the use of three theses, it is shown that a consensus prevails on the needed conceptual basis, that the form of regulation has been clarified and that no military disadvantage will result from it.

Read the article "Three theses on the national regulation of autonomy in weapon systems" by Dr. Habil. Frank Sauer as a PDF here.


Chapter 2

From Yesterday to Today to Tomorrow: Inner Leadership an Achievement of Intellectual History?

Only the one who knows where he comes from becomes aware of its points of view, perceives the important and correct goals, and can choose paths that lead to them. A look at the history of the German armed forces is therefore essential. What lessons did the young Federal Republic learn from the Nazi era with its reign of terror and total war? Why is inner leadership the basis of  “leadership, education and training" in the German armed forces? What hides behind the concept of the citizen in uniform? In a debate, Sönke Neitzel and Peter Tauber address these questions and try to highlight differences and similarities.

Read the article "From Yesterday to Today to Tomorrow: Inner Leadership as an Intellectual-Historical Achievement?" here.


Chapter 3

Military dimensions: How much artificial intelligence does the German armed forces need?

Digitization of the armed forces: a (not only) technical view

Digitization necessarily brings the sciences together due to its cross-cutting nature and broad applications. Military application is not a special case, but it requires special considerations of responsibility, ethics, and leadership. Humans, technology, and ethics become interrelated "domains." Data centricity and cyberspace require a new form of resilience. At the same time, leadership—while maintaining a mission tactic—needs to be significantly modified for a digital environment.

Read the article "Digitization of the Armed Forces: A (Not Only) Technical View" by Lieutenant General Dr. Ansgar Rieks as a PDF here.


The German armed forces and the Battlefield of the Future: Development Perspectives in Connection with Artificial Intelligence from the Perspective of a Defence Planner

Defence planning is comprehensive in nature and looks far ahead. It attempts to anticipate, with the help of future analysis, what the armed forces might face. It provides a vision of what they will need to accomplish and what they will need to do it. The Strategic Foresight, with a perspective of approximately 25 years, describes a range of possibilities for long-term security policy developments based on relevant trends. These abstract ideas must be further operationalized. What might an operational environment or battlefield look like in ten to 15 years from now? What conclusions must the armed forces draw from this?

Read the article "The Bundeswehr and the battlefield of the future: Development perspectives in connection with artificial intelligence from the perspective of a defence planner" by Major General Wolfgang Gäbelein as a PDF here.


Reflections on the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Military Command and Control Process

The article deals with the role of artificial intelligence in the military command and control process. The basis is a changed image of war based on future technological developments, which inevitably force the command and control process to adapt. The article highlights that with AI support, humans will be able to make faster and better decisions.

Read the article "Thoughts on the use of artificial intelligence in military command and decision-making" by Flotilla Admiral Christian Bock and Major (G.S.) Mathias Schmarsow as a PDF here.


Chapter 4

Policy implications: What course must policymakers set now?

Responsible use of artificial intelligence

The principle of the citizen in uniform, drawn from the inner leadership which is based on the values of the Basic Law, specifically the respect for and protection of human dignity. The soldiers of the German armed forces are committed to these values and act accordingly in the performance of their duties. With artificial intelligence, a new, outstanding technological change has also made its way into the military sector. The German armed forces will not be able to ignore this technology but must find a way to use it responsibly in accordance with the values of inner leadership.

Read the article "Responsible use of artificial intelligence" by Markus Grübel, Member of the Bundestag and Dr. Sonja Müller as a PDF here.


The strongest conventional NATO forces in Europe

The dramatic deterioration of the security situation calls for a sustainable readjustment of German security and defence policy. At its core, this should aim to build the German armed forces as the strongest conventional NATO forces in Europe and thus the backbone of NATO defence in Europe. This would enable Germany to live up to its demographic, economic, and financial weight within the alliance and satisfy the justified expectations of its allies. But to implement this goal, clear political objectives, long-term planning, and sustained investment in the German armed forces are required.

Read the article "The strongest conventional NATO forces in Europe" by Dr. Johann Wadephul, Member of the Bundestag, as a PDF here.


For peace, freedom, and a strong Germany in a strong Europe

The 2022 events, above all Russia's invasion of Ukraine, painfully revealed our dependencies. We are dependent on the U.S. militarily, on Russia for energy, and on China economically. To gain independence in the future and to shape ourselves instead of being shaped, we need to project strength in all areas.

Read the article "For peace, freedom, and a strong Germany in a strong Europe" by Florian Hahn, Member of the Bundestag, as a PDF here.


Chapter 5

Policy implications: What course must policymakers set now?

Accountability as a design principle of defence technology systems.

Without the algorithmic world, without Artificial Intelligence (AI), the military technosphere is unmanageable. AI is the key technology of future defence systems, enhancing the natural intelligence and autonomy of humans to the extent required in each case, in some cases far beyond a natural level. However, the question of how to deal with this responsibly does not only arise with the use of artificially intelligent weapons but already with the demand to design military equipment in such a way that its use always remains responsible. Europeans must not betray their way of life and their world of values by defending them in contradiction to them.

Read the article "Responsibility as a Design Principle for Defence Systems" by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Koch as a PDF here.


Digitization of the German Armed Forces

Digitization optimizes the assertiveness of the armed forces, increases the operational capability of the Bundeswehr as a whole and on the digitalized battlefield, and supports administrative actions. Digitization thus plays a key role in helping the Bundeswehr fulfil its missions. With its principles of modularity, scalability, and reusability, the Bundeswehr's digitization platform, which is currently under development, makes the establishment of result chains for operations as transparent as possible. The standardization of artificial intelligence capabilities in an analytics and simulation cluster also creates the conditions for responsible use of the processes available in this area. The set of rules established for this purpose can and must be based on the canon of values established in the Bundeswehr, which has proven itself over many years with the concept of inner leadership. It focuses on the responsible citizen, who also guides value-based actions in the performance of the military mission.

Read the article "Digitization of the Bundeswehr" by Major General Dr. Michael Färber as a PDF here.


Cooperative systems and hybrid intelligence

To assess the opportunities and risks of "artificially intelligent machines," the concept of disruptive technology is helpful. Originally developed in a civil environment, this concept is increasingly being adopted for defence applications, the "sharp end of digitization." A look at defence applications should serve as an example of how solutions such as cooperative systems and hybrid intelligence can be derived for the fundamental problem of digitization by integrating people, technology, and organizations holistically.

Read the article "Cooperative Systems and Hybrid Intelligence" by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Flemisch and Prof. Dr.-Ing. Verena Nitsch as a PDF here.


Chapter 6

International Perspective – what can we learn from our partners?

Germany and Israel – Approaches to the Future Battlefield: The Armed Drones as a Case Study

Notwithstanding certain immutable features of war, some of its concrete techniques do change, notably following new technological developments. Advanced electronic weapon systems, including armed drones, are a case in point. We shall examine how countries handle the opportunities and challenges involved by means of a comparative analysis of Israel and Germany. 

Read the article "Germany and Israel – Approaches to the Future Battlefield: The Armed Drones as a Case Study" by Dr. Idit Shafran Gittleman and Dr. Eyal Berelovich as a PDF here.


France and Germany – Assessing a common praxis: towards the development, the use and the rise of artificial intelligence?

The following article argues that Artificial Intelligence (AI) still holds much untapped potential and could constitute an essential part of future weapons systems in the next few years. AI is a technology of dual interest with an extremely wide range of applications. Defence and security are not the only sectors to be affected by the rapid development of AI, like the economy, law, institutions, health etc. For the moment, the use of this technology might not seem revolutionary, but it becomes clear that in terms of resources, humans are just as important as artificially intelligent technologies themselves. Computers are able to outperform humans when it comes to some tasks, however, the competence of the machine usually stops at the execution of those tasks. Finally, beyond the multitude of issues, questions of sovereignty and technological autonomy form a common thread regarding power and competition amongst states and private actors. Looking ahead, the EU AI strategy proposes powerful synergies between European partners that will ensure our present and future autonomy, and will play a key role. 

Read the article "France and Germany – Assessing a common praxis: towards the development, the use and the rise of artificial intelligence?" by Dr. Océane Zubeldia as a PDF here.


Artificial Intelligence, Geopolitics, and the US-China Relationship

Understanding the current US approach to artificial intelligence (AI) has less to do with how AI is currently being used in the military domain than it does with how the United States is approaching the rise of China, and the policy choices to which this framework leads. US apprehension about China’s advancing economic and military capabilities has catalysed efforts not only to integrate AI-enabled technologies into the US defense enterprise, but also to use tools of economic statecraft to stymie China’s ability to do the same. It is impossible to predict whether these efforts will succeed in endowing the United States military with technological superiority over China’s People’s Liberation Army, but the repercussions of the attempt for the overall US-China relationship are serious and likely to be longlasting. 

Read the Article "Artificial Intelligence, Geopolitics, and the US-China Relationship" by Dr. Melanie W. Sisson as a PDF here.


Chapter 7

Industrial policy implications: What should the defence industry provide?

Dear defence industry: Be agile, or you will be surpassed by the new reality

Agility is the basic principle behind the work on digital innovations. The term is far more than a buzzword; behind it are principles such as adaptability, flexibility, speed, and proactive action or anticipatory thinking, without which technical innovations in the digital world would not be possible. However, cooperation between the military and German industry still lacks agility. Moreover, a lack of industrial agility is becoming a core problem that also impacts the capability of security policy to react quickly and adaptively to changing global political situations. The practical implementation of the Zeitenwende is inconceivable without agile thinking and action. Four problem areas must be solved as soon as possible. First: Innovations continue to be conceptualized too far into the future. Second, the procurement time is far too long. Third: Tender times are far too long. Fourth, the nonexistence of interfaces is becoming an obstacle to innovation. The need for action is there, and it is urgent. In light of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, we should finally perceive something of a "sense of urgency"—the urgent need to solve these long-term problems.

Read the article "Dear defence industry: Get agile or you will be overtaken by the new reality" by Sven Weizenegger as a PDF here.


Inner leadership in light of digitization

The basic principles of the Bundeswehr's inner leadership are more relevant today than ever before. In the system competition, success will come to those who understand the potential of digitization and can orchestrate it while taking basic social values into account. AI applications represent one aspect of this. The publication emphasizes that innovation cycles are becoming increasingly fast-moving. This requires agile structures and a digital mindset in politics, administration, business, and the Bundeswehr to defend the order of values.

Read the article "Inner leadership against the backdrop of digitalisation" by Dr. Bernhard Rohleder and Stephan Ursuleac as a PDF here.


On the Industrial Policy Implications of the Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Military Field.

This paper argues that the Federal Republic of Germany must address AI (artificial intelligence) from a security policy perspective to ensure its defence capability in the future in the face of changing times. For this to succeed, it is necessary to consider national industrial policy demands and bring the necessary context to the mostly generic AI debate. How this can work successfully is shown by the comparative analysis of selected neighbouring countries (France and the UK), which are working together with their national industries and scientists on technological solutions for military AI deployment. Furthermore, in the global competition for AI supremacy, it is relevant to gain the upper hand from a European perspective to be adequately capable of defence and deterrence in the changing global defence and security environment. The question discussed is whether the approach envisioned by the EU, in the form of the so-called AI Act, is suitable for achieving this goal or could be overly restrictive to the industry's technological development capabilities.

Read the article "On the Industrial Policy Implications of the Use of Artificial Intelligence in the Military Sector" by Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien and Nawal Solh as a PDF here.


Industrial policy perspective

Germany has relied for much longer on other states to provide for its external security. Especially after 1990, German budgets for all military things were significantly reduced - with the consequences that are now well known. The Russian invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 has fundamentally changed the geopolitical situation. Whether the transformation of German security and defense policy will prove to be a long-term change will only become clear in a few years' time. German and European industry can make an important contribution to its implementation. Against this background, the continued strategic partnership between industry and governments in Europe is an essential requirement for the long-term success of European security and defense policy. This includes European cooperation projects as well as the promotion of new technologies and smart regulations for the common export.

Read the article "Industrial policy perspective" by Dr. Michael Schöllhorn as PDF here.


Chapter 8

The ethical-legal imperative: How is the digital transformation of the armed forces following it?

Value and people in the ethics of AI

The use of digital systems, especially artificial intelligence (AI) systems, in morally sensitive areas of our coexistence must always be examined ethically and philosophically. There is a multitude of reasons that go deeper than a general reference to potential or even science fiction scenarios that view AI systems as a danger to humanity based on the Terminator model. In what follows, I will begin by explaining what is meant by "AI" and "AI systems," respectively. Subsequently, I will argue that the ethics of AI are concerned with the question of how human-machine interaction should be designed. This moves the question to the human context of the AI application. It finally goes back to the human being as an unconditional source of value, entitled to dignity not only as an object of possible technical-military operations but, (above all) as the subject of his value judgments.

Read the article "Value and Humans in the Ethics of AI" by Prof. Dr. Markus Gabriel as a PDF here.


About the added value of the human soldier

Can military decisions, and thus ultimately the decision to kill, be outsourced to fully autonomous lethal weapon systems (LAWs), also called "combat robots"? Proponents of such a "dehumanization" of warfare are referring, as an instance, to the lack of emotions, higher performance and resilience of such systems, which ultimately "humanizes" combat. If the concept of human dignity, as laid down among other things in the Basic Law and on which the concept of inner leadership is based, as the central criterion, there are at least doubts about this line of argument. Human dignity implies the prohibition of turning people into objects and subjecting the individual to an instrumental calculation. However, the ethical dimension of the decision about life and death - which, with Paul Scharre, can be seen as the "core of the soldier's profession" - is left out of a purely algorithm-based process. With the increasing removal of the human soldier from the decision-making chain, empathy and all the considerations that follow from it fall out of reach. Because there is unlikely to be an international consensus on the definition and prohibition of LAWs in the predictable future, it is even more important to counter tendencies to "outsource" military force and to incorporate value-based considerations into the development and deployment of such systems.

Read the article "About the added value of the human soldier" by Dr. Veronika Bock as PDF here:


Artificial intelligence – beyond/on the other side of Eden

There is no reason to worry; even with artificial intelligence, man remains a creature among creatures. Against the backdrop of the biblical paradise narrative, the author explores ethical issues surrounding the development and application of artificial intelligence. As with other technological innovations in the past, the question appears whether we need new ethics. Von Schubert does not believe this is a necessity. Instead, care must be taken to ensure that no morality- or law-free spaces are created in the exuberance of new technological possibilities. This does not require reinventing ethics.

Read the article "Artificial Intelligence: beyond Eden" by Dr. Hartwig von Schubert as a PDF here.


Chapter 9

Social acceptance: How can we make the Bundeswehr capable of acting?

A social responsibility for the use of artificial intelligence?

This article focuses on the socio-political dimension of the debate on AI and inner leadership. It starts from the assumption that civil society has to be included in the debates about the increased use of AI and elaborates on the relationship of the citizens to the Bundeswehr. The first part examines how the interplay between civil society and the Bundeswehr is laid out in the German constitution. It concludes that the responsibility of citizens for the Bundeswehr and its equipment can be derived from the Basic Law, which may also relate to the procurement and use of AI. The second part describes how citizens are not aware of the extent of their responsibility and makes an attempt to explain it.

Read the article "A social responsibility for the use of artificial intelligence?" by Serap Güler MdB as a PDF here.


Defence and security policy in the field of tension between the discourse of elites and public opinion

Since the end of the Cold War, the Bundeswehr has experienced a disarmament to an unforeseeable extent. The demise of the bloc confrontation seemed to make the realization of a peace dividend possible, and indeed, Germany's defence capability was reduced exceedingly. The preservation of defence capability, however, is based on the insight that peace orders are not necessarily built to last indefinitely and that the possibility of an aggressor who cannot be contained by negotiation always exists. Germany's ignorance of violence in international relations, which is based on its philosophy of history, has blinded politicians to these enemies of the liberal society. However, Germany's observable hesitancy in matters of defence and security policy has its roots more in the values of the elites and their (false) assessment of public opinion than in the actual values of the population in general. The basic consensus on Germany's defence capability exists on a broad scale and has been stable for years. It is only with the Russian invasion of Ukraine that there are signs of a turning point. Strengthening the performance and defence capabilities of the Bundeswehr cannot be achieved without comprehensive digitization of the armed forces. At any rate, the population will willingly follow this path toward greater defence capability in the technological field and the assumption of considerable foreign policy responsibility if politics lives up to this greater responsibility.

Read the article "Defence and security policy in the field of tension between elite discourse and public opinion" by Prof. Dr. Natascha Zowislo-Grünewald as a PDF here.


"... as if peace on earth really exists" (Die Toten Hosen, Nur auf Besuch).

The so-called "Turning point" in the wake of the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine has fundamentally changed the way German civil society looks at the Bundeswehr. Pacifist principles and appeasement policies have been put to the test and are becoming less and less convincing amidst the current crisis. German policymakers must always be conscious of their special historical responsibility, but in a fundamentally changed world, this cannot remain with the good intentions of past decades. "Never again" must be interpreted in light of current reality.

Read the article "... as if peace on earth really exists" (Die Toten Hosen, Nur auf Besuch) by Nora Bossong and Dr. Florian Keisinger as a PDF here.


Closing Remarks

Responsibility and artificial intelligence

The digital transformation marks a turning point of its own, which has already encompassed the armed forces. Shaped by lessons learned from "total war" and criminal dictatorship, as well as the transformation from an "army of unity" to a post-Cold War army in action, the Bundeswehr is now combining with artificially intelligent high technology.

Read the closing speech "Responsibility and Artificial Intelligence" by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Koch as a PDF here.


Prof. Dr. Lammert

Vorsitzender der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V. und Präsident des Deutschen Bundestages a. D.

Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert war von 2002 bis 2005 zunächst Vizepräsident, von 2005 bis 2017 Präsident des Deutschen Bundestages. Seit Januar 2018 ist Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert Vorsitzender der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.


Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer

Bundesministerin a.D.

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer war vom 07. Dezember 2018 bis zum 22. Januar 2021 die achte Bundesvorsitzende der CDU und vom 17. Juli 2019 bis zum 08. Dezember 2021 Bundesministerin der Verteidigung. Zuvor war sie von 2000 bis 2011 Landesministerin in verschiedenen Ressorts und im Anschluss bis 2018 Ministerin des Saarlandes. Von 2011 bis 2018 war sie Landesvorsitzende der CDU Saar, sowie von Februar bis Dezember 2018 Generalsekretärin der CDU.


Dr. Eva Högl


Dr. Eva Högl ist seit dem 25. Mai 2020 die Wehrbeauftragte des Deutschen Bundestages. Von 2009 bis 2020 war sie Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages, ab 2013 stellvertretende Vorsitzende der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion.

Kapitel 1

Sebastian Jüngst

Persönlicher Referent der Wehrbeauftragten

Sebastian Jüngst ist seit 2020 Persönlicher Referent der Wehrbeauftragten. Während und nach seinem Studium der Politikwissenschaft in Berlin und Istanbul mit Schwerpunkt Politische Theorie und Philosophie arbeitete er im Bundestags- und Wahlkreisbüro von Dr. Eva Högl.

Kapitel 1

Generalmajor André Bodemann

Stellvertreter des Inspekteurs der Streitkräftebasis und ehemaliger Kommandeur des Zentrums Innere Führung der Bundeswehr

Nach Führungsverwendungen unter anderem im Bundesministerium der Verteidigung und als Büroleiter des Commanders NATO Joint Force Command Brunssum/ Niederlande, war André Bodemann zuletzt Unterabteilungsleiter Strategie und Einsatz II. Des Weiteren sammelte er durch seine Aufenthalte in Afghanistan und Kosovo Einsatzerfahrung.

Kapitel 1

Dr. Peter Popp

Stellvertretender Bereichsleiter, Zentrum Innere Führung der Bundeswehr

Vor der Tätigkeit im Zentrum Innere Führung wurde Peter Popp in der Abteilung Politik des Bundesministeriums der Verteidigung eingesetzt und war von 2005 bis 2016 als Lehrstabsoffizier an der Offizierschule der Luftwaffe tätig.

Kapitel 1

Dr. habil. Frank Sauer

Head of Research, Metis Institut für Strategie und Vorausschau, Universität der Bundeswehr München

Frank Sauer forscht zu internationaler Sicherheit und beschäftigt sich schon seit über 15 Jahren mit militärischer Nutzung von KI. Im Podcast „Sicherheitshalber“ diskutiert er regelmäßig aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Sicherheits- und Verteidigungspolitik.

Kapitel 1

Prof. Dr. Sönke Neitzel

Professor für Militärgeschichte und Kulturgeschichte der Gewalt, Universität Potsdam

Von 2012 bis 2015 war Sönke Neitzel Professor für International History an der London School of Economics, nachdem er zuvor als Professor für Modern History an der University of Glasgow tätig war. Er ist Mitglied in verschiedenen Beiräten, u. a. der Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik und der Clausewitz-Gesellschaft.

Kapitel 2

Dr. Peter Tauber

Parlamentarischer Staatssekretär a. D.

Seit März 2021 habilitiert Peter Tauber an der Fakultät für Staats- und Sozialwissenschaften im Historischen Institut der Universität der Bundeswehr München. Zuvor war er von 2013 bis 2018 Generalsekretär der CDU Deutschlands und parlamentarischer Staatssekretär im BMVg. Außerdem ist er Vorstandsmitglied der Gesellschaft für Sicherheitspolitik und Reserveoffizier der Bundeswehr. Seine Wehrübungen absolviert er unter anderem am Zentrum Innere Führung.

Kapitel 2

Generalleutnant Dr. Ansgar Rieks

Stellvertreter des Inspekteurs der Luftwaffe

Nach Führungsverwendungen im Bundesministerium der Verteidigung sowie als Kommandeur des Waffensystemunterstützungszentrums und Leiter des Luftwaffenamtes ist Ansgar Rieks seit 2017 stellv. Inspekteur der Luftwaffe. Er ist u.a. Mitglied im Katholikenrat beim Katholischen Militärbischof für die Deutsche Bundeswehr und im Zentralkomitee der Deutschen Katholiken.

Kapitel 3

Generalmajor Wolfgang Gäbelein

Amtschef, Planungsamt der Bundeswehr

Wolfgang Gäbelein war unter anderem als Unterabteilungsleiter im Bundesministerium der Verteidigung sowie als stellvertretender Kommandeur des Logistikkommandos der Bundeswehr tätig. Einsatzerfahrung sammelte er in Afghanistan.

Kapitel 3

Flottillenadmiral Christian Bock

Direktor Ausbildung und Stellvertretender Kommandeur, Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr

Christian Bock übte unterschiedliche Verwendungen bei der NATO, im Bundesministerium der Verteidigung, im Einsatzführungskommando und im Bundeskanzleramt zurück. Vor seiner aktuellen Verwendung war er Kommandeur der Einsatzflottille 1 und des Centre of Excellence für Operations in Confined and Shallow Waters in Kiel.

Kapitel 3

Major i. G. Mathias Schmarsow

Referent Abteilung IV, Planungsamt der Bundeswehr

Nach Verwendungen als Zugführer und Kompaniechef einer IT-Kompanie wurde Mathias Schmarsow als Stabsoffizier mit konzeptionellen Aufgaben in der Planung betraut. Er hat den 17. Streitkräftegemeinsamen General-/Admiralstabslehrgang National absolviert.

Kapitel 3

Markus Grübel MdB

Parlamentarischer Staatssekretär a. D.

Markus Grübel ist Fregattenkapitän der Reserve. Er war von 2018 bis 2022 Beauftragter der Bundesregierung für weltweite Religionsfreiheit und von 2013 bis 2018 Parlamentarischer Staatssekretär im Bundesministerium der Verteidigung (In der aktuellen Legislaturperiode ist er Mitglied im Verteidigungsausschuss.

Kapitel 4

Dr. Sonja Müller

Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin des Bundestagsabgeordneten Markus Grübel

Sonja Müller ist seit 2018 im Deutschen Bundestag tätig. Sie promovierte in Politikwissenschaft/EU-Politik zum Thema Machtressourcen und Verhandlungstaktiken im Rat der EU an der Paris-Lodron-Universität Salzburg.

Kapitel 4

Dr. Johann Wadephul MdB

Stellvertretender Vorsitzender der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion für den Bereich Auswärtiges, Verteidigung, Interparlamentarische Konferenz für die GASP/GSVP, Europarat

Nach mehr als neun Jahren in der schleswig-holsteinischen Landespolitik wechselte Johann Wadephul in den Bundestag und ist neben seiner aktuellen Position auch Leiter der deutschen Delegation in der Parlamentarischen Versammlung der NATO. Er war von 2010 bis 2021 Mitglied im Bundesvorstand der CDU Deutschlands.

Kapitel 4

Florian Hahn MdB

Verteidigungspolitischer Sprecher der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion

Florian Hahn ist Internationaler Sekretär der CSU und seit 2009 Mitglied des Verteidigungsausschusses des Deutschen Bundestages. Zudem ist er seit 2014 Landesvorsitzender des Arbeitskreises Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der CSU. Von 2018 bis 2021 war er Europapolitischer Sprecher der CDU/CSU-Bundestagsfraktion.

Kapitel 4

Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Koch

Chief Scientist, Fraunhofer- Institut für Kommunikation, Informationsverarbeitung und Ergonomie

Neben seiner aktuellen Position lehrt Wolfgang Koch als Professor für Informatik an der Universität Bonn und ist u.a. Mitglied der Arbeitsgruppe Technikverantwortung Future Combat Air System.

Kapitel 5

Generalmajor Dr. Michael Färber

Abteilungsleiter Planung CIR & Digitalisierung Bw

Generalmajor Dr. Färber durchlief zahlreiche Verwendungen innerhalb der Streitkräfte, auf ministerieller Ebene sowie im internationalen Bereich. Dazu gehören Verwendungen als Referent beim Oberbefehlshaber der NATO im Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) und als Stellvertretender Abteilungsleiter der ministeriellen Abteilung CIT. Zuletzt verantwortete er bis September 2022 als Kommandeur des Kommandos Informationstechnik der Bundeswehr die IT-Serviceerbringung innerhalb Deutschlands und in den Einsatzgebieten.

Kapitel 5

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Flemisch

Lehr- und Forschungsgebietsleiter Systemergonomie, Rheinisch_Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen

Frank Flemisch leitet die Abteilung Systemergonomie des FKIE. Er forschte bereits bei der NASA und dem Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) zur Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion und Human-Systems-Integration von kooperativen, teil- und hochautomatisierten Systemen.

Kapitel 5

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Verena Nitsch

Leitung des Lehrstuhls und Instituts für Arbeitswissenschaft, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen

Neben ihrer aktuellen Beschäftigung als Professorin an der RWTH Aachen University leitet Verena Nitsch die Abteilung Produkt- und Prozessergonomie des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Kommunikation, Informationsverarbeitung und Ergonomie (Fraunhofer FKIE). Zuvor forschte und lehrte sie an der Universität der Bundeswehr München, wo sie bis 2018 das Institut für Arbeitswissenschaft leitete.

Kapitel 5

Dr. Idit Shafran Gittleman

Director of Military and Society Program, The Israel Democracy Institute

Idit Shafran Gittleman is an adjunct professor at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya and was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Minerva Centre for the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions between 2017 and 2019. Previously she was a postdoctoral fellow with the European Research Council-funded Global Trust Project at Tel Aviv University.

Kapitel 6

Dr. Eyal Berelovich

Defense Analyst, Israel Defense Force Ground Forces Research, Doctrine and Concept Department

Eyal Berelovich received his PhD in Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies in 2021 at the Hebrew University. His main area of research is the Ottoman army in the late 19th century and early 20th century.

Kapitel 6

Dr. Océane Zubeldia

Institute for Strategic Research at the Military School (IRSEM), Paris

Océane Zubeldia holds a PhD in the history of technology and innovation and is a research associate in the Department of Armament and Defense Economics. Her focus lies on unmanned systems, employment and industrial policy, and green technology.

Kapitel 6

Dr. Melanie W. Sisson

Fellow, Brookings Institution Foreign Policy Program’s Strobe Talbott Center for Security, Strategy, and Technology

Melanie W. Sisson researches the use of the armed forces in international politics. U.S. national security strategy, and military applications of emerging technologies. Sisson’s current work focuses on U.S. Department of Defense integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) capabilities into warfighting and enterprise operations.

Kapitel 6

Sven Weizenegger

Leiter Cyber Innovation Hub der Bundeswehr

Sven Weizenegger war der erste offizielle Hacker der Deutschen Telekom. Dort arbeitete er insgesamt 13 Jahre, zuletzt im Vorstandsbereich von T-Systems. Später hat er unter anderem das erste Fintech-Unicorn Deutschlands mit aufgebaut.

Kapitel 7

Dr. Bernhard Rohleder

Hauptgeschäftsführer des Bitkom e. V.

Bernhard Rohleder war Generalsekretär des europäischen Verbandes der IT-Branche Eurobit und führte von 1997 bis 2005 als Managing Director die Geschäfte des Marktforschungsinstituts European Information Technology Observatory. Er ist Aufsichtsratsmitglied der Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe.

Kapitel 7

Stephan Ursuleac

Referent für Verteidigung und Öffentliche Sicherheit, Bitkom e. V.

Sicherheitspolitische Erfahrungen sammelte er insbesondere als stellvertretender Geschäftsführer des Bildungswerkes des Deutschen Bundeswehrverbandes, als mittelständischer Unternehmensberater und als Offizier der Bundeswehr sowie auch als Referent eines Bundestagsabgeordneten.

Kapitel 7

Dr. Hans Christoph Atzpodien

Hauptgeschäftsführer des Bundesverbands der Deutschen Sicherheits- und Verteidigungsindustrie e. V.

Christoph Atzpodien war von 2001 an in verschiedenen Bereichsvorstandsfunktionen im ThyssenKrupp-Konzern tätig, zuletzt ab 2013 als Vorstandsvorsitzender der ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions AG. Von 2007 bis 2017 war er Vorstandsvorsitzender der ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems AG.

Kapitel 7

Nawal Solh

Vertriebsmitarbeiterin, Media Broadcast Satellite

Nawal Solh war wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin beim Bundesverband der Deutschen Sicherheits-und Verteidigungsindustrie, zuvor sammelte sie praktische Arbeitserfahrung unter anderem beim Goethe-Institut Abu Dhabi und im Deutschen Bundestag.

Kapitel 7

Dr. Michael Schöllhorn

Präsident des Bundesverbands der Deutschen Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie e. V.

Dr. Michael Schöllhorn ist promovierter Ingenieur. 1984 begann er seine Laufbahn als Offizier und Hubschrauberpilot bei der Bundeswehr. 1999 erfolgte der Wechsel in die Industrie, wo er seither verschiedene Führungspositionen übernahm, zuletzt als Chief Operating Officer bei Airbus. Seit 2021 ist er CEO von Airbus Defence and Space.

Kapitel 7

Prof. Dr. Markus Gabriel

Academic Director, The New Institute, Hamburg

Markus Gabriel ist seit 2017 Direktor des Center for Science and Thought der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn und Professor für Erkenntnistheorie, Philosophie der Neuzeit und Gegenwart. Er ist seit 2011 gewählter Präsident der Deutsch-Ungarischen Gesellschaft für Philosophie.

Kapitel 8

Dr. Veronika Bock

Direktorin des Zentrums für ethische Bildung in den Streitkräften

Die promovierte Theologin Veronika Bock war unter anderem als wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität und als Leiterin des Fachbereichs Theologie und Ethik an der Katholischen Akademie der Diözese Hildesheim tätig.

Kapitel 8

PD Dr. Hartwig von Schubert

Senior Research Fellow, German Institute for Defence and Strategic Studies, Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr

Von 2004 bis 2019 war Hartwig von Schubert Militärdekan an der Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr in Hamburg. Anschließend wechselte er als Privatdozent an die Universität Hamburg und lehrte dort am Fachbereich Evangelische Theologie der Fakultät für Geisteswissenschaften und an der Internationalen Universität Hamburg.

Kapitel 8

Serap Güler MdB

Mitglied im Verteidigungsausschuss, Deutscher Bundestag

Von 2017 bis 2021 war Serap Güler Staatssekretärin für Integration im Ministerium für Kinder, Familie, Flüchtlinge und Integration des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. Von 2012 bis 2017 war sie Abgeordnete des Landtages in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Seit 2012 ist sie Mitglied im Bundesvorstand der CDU Deutschlands.

Kapitel 9

Prof. Dr. Natascha Zowislo- Grünewald

Professorin für Unternehmenskommunikation, Universität der Bundeswehr München

Natascha Zowislo-Grünewald ist seit 2010 Professorin an der Universität der Bundeswehr München. Sie habilitierte zuvor an der Universität Bayreuth. Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte liegen im Bereich Kommunikationsmanagement und Sicherheitspolitik.

Kapitel 9

Nora Bossong


Nora Bossong veröffentlicht Romane, Essays und Gedichte, in denen sie sich auch zu aktuellen gesellschaftspolitischen Themen äußert. Sie wurde unter anderem mit dem Thomas-Mann-Preis 2020 und dem Joseph-Breitbach Preis 2020 ausgezeichnet. Zuletzt erschien ihr Generationenporträt „Die Geschmeidigen“.

Kapitel 9

Dr. Florian Keisinger

Campaign Lead Future Combat Air System, Airbus Defence and Space

Der promovierte Historiker Florian Keisinger arbeitet nach Stationen im öffentlichen Dienst seit 2013 bei Airbus. Er ist der Co-Initiator der „AG Technikverantwortung für ein Future Combat Air System“.

Kapitel 9

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Amelie Stelzner-Doğan

Stelzner, Amelie

German Armed Forces and Civil Affairs +49 30 26996 -3795

Dr. Cedric Bierganns

Portrait von Cedric Bierganns

Referent Sicherheitspolitik und Bundeswehr, Büro Bundesstadt Bonn +49 2241 246 2263 +49 2241 246 5 2263
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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e. V.
July 6, 2023
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