China invests a lot of money in research and is experiencing a rapid rise in global innovation indicators. It has a very well-trained and growing pool of research talent. At the same time, the political environment in China has become more authoritarian and the Chinese government is not only pushing for dominance in key technologies, but is also actively intervening in the shaping of science.
These developments pose major challenges for German science: How can the important partnership with China be expanded in the future while at the same time harmonising openness and scientific freedom?
The current approach to research security in Germany is based on self-regulation, which has led to an inconsistent ‘patchwork’ of more or less strict or still developing review mechanisms at various institutions.
Germany needs a central contact point for research safety at federal level. A look at the Netherlands or the United States of America can provide important pointers as to where such a centre could be located and what other parameters need to be considered.
It is important to act in close coordination with the EU and its member states. Different approaches could overburden research institutions and restrict international cooperation, not only with China. It is important to strengthen Germany as a centre of research, as this not only contributes to more innovation, but also helps to better meet countries such as China on an equal footing.
The publication provides an overview of research policy in China and identifies relevant approaches and framework conditions for the organisation of research cooperation and derives options for action from this.
Read the entire publication: ‘Forschungsnation China – Partner, Wettbewerber und systemischer Rivale’ here as a PDF. Please note, to date the analysis is only available in German.
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