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Country reports

The Canadians look ahead with mixed feelings

Economic and social issues dominate the demoscopic picture at the start of 2023 - and Prime Minister Trudeau gets poor marks

Traditionally, the relevant Canadian polling institutes present the results of their most important, latest surveys at the beginning of the year. They serve as a barometer of the population's mood on key issues for the coming twelve months. At the beginning of 2023, probably the most important finding from the wealth of data is that Canadians feel that they and their country are in a permanent crisis. The reasons for this are manifold and have both geopolitical and domestic political backgrounds. Politicians seem to have failed so far to effectively counter the pessimistic trend, neither through people nor through policy designs. However, the survey results also contain some paradoxes.

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Dr. Bernd Althusmann

Dr. Bernd Althusmann

Head of Canada Office + 1 (613) 422-4308


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