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Event series


In rural areas, in the villages, it often feels as if politics is far away. We want to counter this feeling with the "Dorfliebe-Tour" and invite people to join the conversation.
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Country report

First round of the parliamentary elections - France moves to the far right

The right-wing populist RN and its allies under LR President Eric Ciotti achieved 33.15% of the vote in the first round of the French parliamentary elections.
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Securing children against poverty

The study analyses the causes of poverty risks for children and presents possible solutions for the reduction of child poverty.
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Contributions and opinions

Debate Contributions on Abortion

We talk to Julia Seeberg, Federal Managing Director of donum vitae e.V., about the current regulations, the duty to provide counselling and how affected women can be helped.
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Russia as a warring state

Military force and neo-imperialism under Vladimir Putin

Prof Robert Kindler on clear continuities with the Soviet Union and the omnipresence of a history of violence whose end is currently not in sight.
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Our mission

Nationally and internationally, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is committed to achieving and maintaining peace, freedom and justice through political education. We promote and preserve free democracy, the social market economy, and the development and consolidation of the value consensus.
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Current publications

USA presidential debate IMAGO / ZUMA Press Wire

Shock, not Excitement: Bidens Debate with Trump

U.S. press comments after the first televised debate of the presidential election campaign

Donald Tusk beim EU-Gipfel IMAGO / ABACAPRESS

After the European elections in Poland

The EU policy of the Tusk government

1.Wahlgang Frankreich IMAGO / TT

France moves to the far right

First round of the parliamentary elections

Nairobi Ausschreitungen 2024, Juni Imago / ZUMA Press Wire

Nairobi: Storming of the Parliament

The Republic of Kenya in Turmoil

Kiel Security Conference 2024 Header Jan Kulke/KAS

Kiel Security Conference 2024

“Critical Junctures – the Future of the North”

Person beim Einlegen eines Stimmzettels in die Wahlurne am Wahltag in Frankreich Adobe Stock / bluebeat76 / Generiert mit KI

France ahead of the parliamentary elections

Nail-biter for Macron, France and Europe

Kinderarmut Banner

Child poverty: causes, effects, ways out

Securing children against poverty

Österreichischer Stimmzettel IMAGO / Andreas Stroh

In Search of the Least Evil

The ÖVP between the European and National Council Elections

Mohamed Ahmed Ould Ghazouani IMAGO / ITAR-TASS

Presidential Elections 2024 in Mauritania

A pillar of hope in the Sahel region

KAS Literaturpreis 2024 Ulrike Draesner KAS

Das Herz im Schreiben

Literaturpreis der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung 2024 für Ulrike Draesner

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Media library

New episode of “Auslandsinfo. Spotlight”
Nuclear weapons expert Frank Sauer: Putin's nuclear threats and the concept of nuclear deterrence
What is Russian President Putin calculating with his nuclear weapons threats? How does "nuclear deterrence" work and why is it gaining importance again?
WHO makes progress on international health regulations
Hermann Gröhe MdB, Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU parliamentary group and former Federal Minister of Health, reports on the latest developments.
How much me? Questions about self-determination
§218 (Abortion) II
We talk to Julia Seeberg, Federal Managing Director of donum vitae e.V., about the current regulations, the duty to provide counselling and how affected women can be helped.
New episode of “Auslandsinfo. Spotlight”
Who defends Europe? Dr. Puglierin on European security policy and US priorities
Is the USA scaling back its commitment to Europe's security? In this episode, we talk to political scientist Dr. Puglierin about the US view of Europe.
17 June 1953
Popular uprising for freedom in the GDR
On 17 June 1953, people throughout the GDR protested against the SED regime. They demanded free elections and unity. The Soviet military bloodily crushed the uprising.
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Main topics of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation

The leitmotif of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation "Shaping.Democracy.Together." is supported by a thematic focus. With the three main topics Sustainability needs Innovation, Freedom needs Security and Democracy needs Participation, it is made clear which topics the Konrad Adenauer Foundation will focus on in the coming years.

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Russian war of aggression on Ukraine

On our theme page you will find all publications, interviews and events on this topic, which are continuously updated and extended.
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Media News

In the press

"Das Jahr 2024 kann für die deutsch-polnischen Beziehungen zu einem Wendejahr werden"

Unser Büroleiter in Warschau, David Gregosz, hat mit über die heutigen gemeinsamen Regierungskonsultationen gesprochen - und erklärt, warum Polen ein immer wichtigerer Partner für Deutschland wird.

In the press

"Neben dem Tschad ist Mauretanien der letzte Partner Europas in der Region"

Im Gastbeitrag für den Tagesspiegel erklärt unser Sahel-Experte Ulf Laessing die Bedeutung des westafrikanischen Wüstenstaates, in dem der amtierende Präsident am Sonnabend wiedergewählt werden dürfte.

On the radio

"Wir haben kein wirkliches Einflusspotential mehr"

Unsere Afghanistan-Expertin Ellinor Zeino hat mit SWR 4 über die dritte Konferenz der Vereinten Nationen zu Afghanistan gesprochen, die heute in Doha zu Ende geht. Dem Westen fehle es vor allem an Kontakten zu Gesprächspartnern vor Ort, denn nicht alle Taliban seien Hardliner.

In the press

"Eskalierende Proteste und eine verschärfte Sicherheitslage schaden der Wirtschaft"

Unser Ostafrika-Experte Mathias Kamp ordnet bei der dpa die gewaltsamen Proteste in Kenia ein. Insbesondere die jüngere Generation sieht angesichts großer Probleme keine Perspektiven.

In the press

"Wir befinden uns auf einem hohen Eskalationsniveau"

Unser Libanon-Experte Michael Bauer macht bei der Deutschen Welle deutlich, dass die Situation an der israelisch-libanesischen Grenze immer angespannter werde; auf Seiten der Hisbollah zeige sich diese schrittweise Eskalation an einer verschärften Rhetorik und an der Demonstration immer ausgefeilterer Waffensysteme.

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Application deadline July 15, 2024

Get off to a flying start with a scholarship - for training, studies and doctorates!

We are looking for motivated, politically-minded trainees, students and doctoral candidates who are committed to a tolerant, open and just society.
