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Asset Publisher


Workshop: Critical Thinking and Storytelling Methodologies for KAS Scholars

Young Scholars for Excellence

Asset Publisher

Expert panel

Disability Rights and Advocacy

Building a more equitable nation


Why Should I Care About... #ASEAN?

Ask the questions, shape the future!


AccelerateHER Leadership Lab 2.1

Empowering Women in Leadership Positions


Why Should I Care About... #Freedom?

Ask the questions, shape the future!


Why Should I Care About... #Freedom?

Event Recap


AccelerateHER Leadership Lab 1.2

Empowering Women in Leadership Positions


AccelerateHER Leadership Lab 1.2

Empowering Women in Leadership Positions

A leadership project by KAS Malaysia in collaboration with IPDM-UUM, which brought together women from across the political spectrum in pursuit of greater women's political representation in Malaysia.


KAS Scholars Leadership Camp

KAS Scholars Leadership Camp



A public policy conference


Harnessing Digital Disruption

Strategies for economic transformation in Malaysia

Asset Publisher

KAS Malaysia

Disability Rights & Advocacy: Building a More Equitable Nation

KAS Malaysia and the Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM) host their first Disability & Advocacy Event

On 25th February 2025, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) Malaysia and the Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM) hosted their first-ever event on disability inclusion, titled “Disability Rights & Advocacy: Building a More Equitable Nation.” The conference brought together over 120 participants, including industry leaders, policymakers, and advocates, to discuss strategies for creating a more inclusive workforce and society for persons with disabilities.

Why Should I Care About... #ASEAN?

Ask the Questions, Shape the Future!

CV Writing and Interview Skills Mastery

For KAS Malaysia Young Scholars for Excellence

🚀 Crafting Careers with Confidence 🏆

Event Recap: AccelerateHER Leadership Lab 2.1

Leadership Lab for Women Political Leaders

AccelerateHER Leadership Lab was designed to empower women leaders.

Time for More Crucial Conversations on the Role of Women’s Leadership in Development

In conjunction with International Women's Day, the Malaysian Institute for Management (MIM) and KASMY initiates a crucial conversation on diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Happy International Women’s Day! Let’s continue to celebrate women and embrace equity to create an inclusive environment that supports everyone. Men needs to also understand and participate to promote gender equality. This is not about women taking men's role. It is an effort to create an environment where all women can thrive as individual and collective, and where their rights and contributions are respected and valued. Take a look to what our leaders has to say in our Crucial Conversations series.

ESG Investments Necessary for Malaysian Corporate Sector to Keep Up, Experts Urge

Malaysian Institute of Management (MIM) takes charge in a crucial conversation about building a better future by unlocking Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) opportunities.

The Global Compact report, “launched in July 2000 by United Nations Secretary-General (the late) Kofi Annan, is an international initiative bringing companies together with UN agencies, labour and civil society to support ten principles in the areas of human rights, working conditions, the environment, and anti-corruption”. In her opening speech, Suganthi Subramaniam, MIM’s Head of Programme Management emphasized on how many more companies around the world are adopting ESG strategies to create value for their businesses as ESG builds a better future for the current and the next generations.

MiDAS – KAS Conference Report 2021

Towards A Peaceful Sea Maritime Security Amidst Contemporaneous Challenges

This report is based on the MiDAS – KAS Conference 2021 titled Towards A Peaceful Sea Maritime Security Amidst Contemporaneous Challenges that was organized and cosponsored by the Malaysian Institute of Defence and Security (MiDAS), and the Konrad - Adenauer - Stiftung (KAS) Malaysia Office.

Politik.ita – Malaysian Indian Welfare for Policy Makers

Project Politik.ita Series - 2

Supported by Konrad Adenauer Foundation (Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung), Politik.ita is a capacity-building programme by Architects of Diversity (AOD) Malaysia to equip young politicians and youth with an interest in politics with the knowledge to address current policy blindspots, highlighting inclusive and anti-discrimination policies, through a series of workshops as well as through on-site learning experiences. By the end, these young politicians would be able to better articulate the key steps needed to form robust policy that serves the communities most affected by these issues.

Your Right, Your Role: Speak Up Against Corruption

Empowering People to Build Good Governance

On 28 March 2022, Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung Malaysia and the Malaysian Institute of Management organised a complimentary live webinar on this topic under the MIM Crucial Conversations series. The title of the webinar was “Your Right, Your Role: Speak Up Against Corruption - Empowering People to Build Good Governance”.

Pandemic Response and Beyond

MIDAS-KAS Conference 2020

The MiDAS-KAS Conference 2020 was held virtually from 9 - 10 December 2020. About 245 participants representing various government departments, especially from defence, national security, healthcare and related agencies; research and think-tank organisations; international agencies; and the diplomatic corp joined this conference on how COVID-19 had challenged the public globally and what are the possible responses for it from governments.

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