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Map of the Month

ITU Council elections

by Dr. Olaf Wientzek, Cedric Amon

Map of the Month 09/2022

The Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-22) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) will begin on 26 September in Bucharest, Romania. The conference is convened every four years and is the most important decision-making body of this United Nations (UN) technology agency. During this approximately three-week event, the general policies of the organisation will be renewed in rotation, senior management positions will be elected as well as the composition of the countries on the ITU Council. The first map shows which countries were elected to this body in the last four elections and how often, as well as the countries of origin of the Secretaries General and Deputy Secretaries General during this period. The second map shows the candidatures for this year's ITU Council elections. There are interesting candidatures from ITU members who have not been on the Council for at least four terms.

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Cedric Amon

Cedric Amon

Research Assistant +41 22 748 70 74


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