Specialist conference
The global and European economy have been operating under increasingly unstable conditions for a considerable period of time. Initially prompted by the global financial and eurozone crises, they were later joined by the migration crisis, the turmoil of Brexit and the Covid pandemic as well as technological disruptions, calls for a green transformation of economies and geo-political tensions between China and the USA. More recently, the growing threat of inflation in times of high debt as well as the war Ukraine and the economic sanctions imposed on Russia in response to it by Western economies have exacerbated the instabilities. How does this impact economic development of national economies, firm behaviour, international business relations and what are appropriate economic policy responses at the national, European and global level in such an unstable environment? These are leading questions to be discussed on this Polish-German conference with a special, but not exclusive focus on Germany, Poland and the Polish-German relations. Areas of interest are, among others, the following issues:
COVID-19-induced structural changes in the economy
Changes in international value chains and trade policy
Inflation theory and anti-inflation policies
Energy Policy
The impact of economic sanctions and counter-sanctions
Digitalization and EU competition policy
Geo-economic developments and system competition, particular with regard to China and Russia
The conference is open to discuss a broad spectrum of questions on the current economic and economic policy challenges from Polish and German perspectives. It will consist of a keynote speech, moderated plenary debates and topical sessions with presentations and discussions. The main language of the conference is English; a selected part is held in German.
Thursday, 27.10.2022,
10:00 - 10:10 Welcome addresses/ Begrüßung
Prof. Mariusz Próchniak, Dean of the Collegium of World Economy at SGH
Prof. Marzenna Weresa, Director of the World Economy Research Institute
David Gregosz, Director of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation Poland
Andreas Böger, Vice President of the Management Board & Chief Financial Officer mBank S.A
Prof. Jürgen Wandel, Head of the German Economy Research Department and Polish-German Academic Forum at SGH
10:10 – 11:10 Key Note & Discussion / Key Note Vortrag & Diskussion
(in German, open for German-speaking students of SGH)
Moderation: Prof. Jürgen Wandel, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung in Europa seit der Pandemie und den Auswirkungen eines Gasembargos
Dr. Thomas Obst, IW Köln, German Economic Institute Cologne
11:10 – 11:20 Break
11:20 – 12:20 Session 1: War, Trade and Energy Crisis – an Economic Policy turning point? (in English)
Moderation: Dr. Jan Cernicky, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung
Effects of War in Ukraine on the Polish Economy
Prof. Sebastian Skuza, University of Warsaw & Secretary of State Ministry of Finance Poland
Trade with Autocracies: Perspectives for the EU
Prof. Thomas Apolte, Universität Münster
Energy Policy Piotr Arak, Polish Economic Institute
12:20 – 12:40 Coffee Break
12:40 – 13:40 Session 2: Inflation, Monetary Policy and Banking Sector (Part I) (in English)
Moderation: Dr. Waldemar Milewicz, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Monetary policy effects on banking activities in Poland
Andreas Böger , CFO mBank
European Banking Union and German Preferences
Prof. Sebastian Płóciennik, Vistula University & Centre for Eastern Studies
Greening Central Bank Policies: Euro Area versus CEE-3
Prof. Uwe Vollmer, Leipzig University
13:40 – 14:10 Lunch Break
14:10 – 15:10 Session 2: Inflation, Monetary Policy and Banking Sector (Part II) (in English)
Moderation: Dr. Katarzyna Kaminska, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Inflation and Money
Prof. Krzysztof Kalicki, Kozminski University
Where does inflation come from and how do we combat it?
Prof. Michał Brzoza – Brzezina, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
The impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on Polish and German banking sectors - a comparative analysis
Prof. Eugeniusz Gostomski & Prof. Adam Barembruch, Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa w Gdańsku
15:10- 15:20 Break
15:20 – 16:35 Session 3: Sector-specific economic developments (in English)
Moderation: Prof. Andreas Bielig, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Priorities of German and European digital policy in times of economic crisis Tankred Schipanski, former Member of German Bundestag, Digital Policy Spokesman of CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group
Small and medium-sized enterprises in trans-border digital trade - opportunities and threats Prof. Elżbieta Czarny, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
The Strategic Behavior of Private Sector Economic Forecasters in Boom and Bust Katharina Köppl, Goethe-University Frankfurt
Government support programs for local government. Case of Poland
Dr. Adam Jarosz, SGH Warsaw School of Economics
16:35 End