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KAS/ Thomas Starck

Event reports

‘The ME in democracy always needs a WE as well’

Strengthening what unites us: Mandatory time for our society

With the title ‘Strengthening what unites us: Mandatory time for our society', representatives from politics and society held a discussion in academy of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung on the 3rd of December. Prof. Dr Norbert Lammert opened the event and welcomed Federal President Dr Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who once again spoke out in favour of ‘compulsory community service’ in his speech. In the subsequent panel, Eva Maria Welskop-Deffaa, President of the German Caritas Association, Johannes Winkel, Federal Chairman of the Junge Union, Dr Eva Högl, Parliamentary Commissioner for the German Armed Forces, and Vanessa Michalski, reservist and former volunteer in the German Armed Forces, discussed the opportunities and possibilities of compulsory service.
We have been dealing with the topic of ‘ChancenZeit’ for several years - with events such as this one. Throughout the year, we offer various programmes such as workshops, informative events and publications.

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The event report ist only available in German. 

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Media library

Rule of Law Rules Podcast

#3: Eduardo Magrani on Data Protection in Latin America

We speak with Eduardo Magrani about the General Data Protection Regulation and its influence in Brazilian and Latin American legal framework.

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#2: Ioana Stupariu on the GDPR's influence in South East Europe

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Rule of Law Rules Podcast

#1: Frederick Richter on the the EU’s GDPR and data protection worldwide

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