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Live stream

After the German Election: Results, Reasons and Ramifications

KAS USA Online Event

Snap Elections in Germany: After the collapse of the traffic light coalition, German voters decided on a new Bundestag. What will the possible majorities look like, and who will be Germany’s next chancellor?


New Impetus for European – U.S. Relations

Reception with President Roberta Metsola and Members of the European Parliament

Members of the European Parliament and U.S. experts in transatlantic relations met at the KAS Office USA to discuss the future of the partnership. The parliamentarians are members of the academy of the EPP group, the delegation was let by MEP François-Xavier Bellamy. The guest of honor was Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament. Key topics included trade agreements, defense strategies, and the situation in Ukraine.

Expert panel

Her Leadership Matters: Transforming Politics for a Better Future

KAS USA / IWDU Panel Discussion

This event brought together women leaders from around the globe to discuss and strategize on the pivotal role of women in shaping international politics. The panelists from Argentina, Iraq, Ukraine, and the U.S. explored innovative approaches to overcoming gender barriers and empowering women to take on leadership roles in different regions of the world. This panel discussion was a side event of the IDU Forum in Washington, DC.

Study and information programme

Young Foreign Policy Experts Explore New Perspectives in American Foreign Policy

Dialog Program in Washington, DC and Chicago, IL

About 20 members of the Working Group of Young Foreign Policy Experts visited Washington, DC, and Chicago, IL, to discuss future transatlantic cooperation after the elections with American experts. Their discussion partners included representatives from think tanks, international organizations, and political interest groups. The Working Group of Young Foreign Policy Experts was initiated in 2001 by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung to bring together younger individuals interested and experienced in foreign policy.

Study and information programme

Post-Election: Exploring Pathways for Future Cooperation

Dialog Program in Cambridge, MA, and Washington, DC

In November, Members of the German Bundestag Roderich Kiesewetter and Prof. Dr. Günter Krings visited the United States to gauge the political climate post-election and explore pathways to continue transatlantic cooperation. In Cambridge, MA, they participated in the "German American Conference" at the Harvard Kennedy School, the largest student-led conference on transatlantic relations in the United States. In Washington, DC, they met with numerous stakeholders for a comprehensive exchange of thoughts and ideas.


Election Reporting in the Transatlantic Context

Young German Journalists visit KAS USA

Eighteen students of the Cologne based RTL School of Journalism visited Washington, DC to learn about politics and media in the United States. In the office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, they learned about the transatlantic work of KAS and had the unique opportunity to sit down with veteran German correspondents for an insightful session on the intricacies of reporting and the challenges to foreign media during this pivotal election year.

Live stream

The Future of NATO and Ukraine

Next Steps after the Alliance's Washington Summit

It is a historic summit: NATO’s leaders gathered in Washington, DC, to celebrate the alliance’s founding 75 years ago. However, the celebratory mood is subdued, as NATO is facing several challenges. Join us as we discuss NATO’s strategy for global security and how it may be implemented in the years to come.

Online seminar

Transatlantic Trade Week 2024

KAS USA / AGI Event Series

This year's "Transatlantic Trade Week" in partnership with the American-German Institute focused on two topics: "Navigating Economic Security: Between Geopolitics and Open Markets" and "Widening the Circle: Building New Transatlantic Economic Partnerships".

Expert panel

Change and Challenges after the European Elections

The new European Parliament and the Transatlantic Future

The war in Ukraine, the state of the global economy, and the future of transatlantic cooperation are some of the major challenges that European politics is currently facing. Against this backdrop, EU citizens are electing a new parliament. How will the results change the transatlantic relationship?


Impact of AI on Local News Models

KAS USA / Medill School Publication Launch

Artificial Intelligence is disrupting the Local News industry. Will it unlock growth or be an existential threat? Amidst the collapse of the mainstream news media financial model, many view the next advent of AI with trepidation. Generative Artificial Intelligence has had an explosive impact on journalism. KAS USA, in partnership with Medill School of Journalism, presented a report on the impact of AI on local journalism, based on discussions with more than 25 international news and AI experts and a workshop held last November in Washington, D.C.

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Building New Bridges - Trade Connections in a Changing World

KAS USA / RGIT New Year's Reception

The future of trade connections was a central topic during Hildegard Müller's visit to Washington, DC. The President of the German Association of the Automotive Industry and member of the Board of Directors of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung was the keynote speaker at our New Year's reception. Nearly 200 guests registered for the event, 'Building New Bridges - Trade Connections in a Changing World'.

Transatlantic Challenges and Friendship

Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert and Dr. Gerhard Wahlers in Washington, DC

The focus of this year's visit to the U.S. of Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert, KAS Chairman and former President of the German Bundestag, and Dr. Gerhard Wahlers, Deputy Secretary General of the Foundation, was on the state of transatlantic relations on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the founding of NATO and the German-Jewish relationship.

Access to Innovation & Intellectual Property Rights in Global Health

KAS USA Dialog Program

In May 2024, Hermann Gröhe, Deputy Chairman of the CDU/CSU-Parliamentary Group in the German Bundestag and Deputy Chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, and Roland Göhde, Co-Founder & CEO of the Virchow Foundation for Global Health, visited Washington, D.C. The political dialog program focused on international health policy issues. They met members of Congress, representatives of the US government and international health experts.

Transatlantic Relations in Transition: New Impulses and Priorities for Cooperation

Dialogue program in Washington, DC, Austin and Houston, TX

In February 2024, four members of the German Bundestag visited Washington, Austin and Houston to exchange ideas with American stakeholders. The program focused on new avenues for cooperation in politics and business. (Report in German)

Innovation and Disruption in Emerging Technologies

Norbert Lammert and Gerhard Wahlers in Washington and San Francisco

The focus of this year's visit to the U.S. by Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert, KAS Chairman and former President of the German Bundestag, and Dr. Gerhard Wahlers, Deputy Secretary General of the Foundation, was on challenges and solutions in dealing with artificial intelligence and in the global competition for investment and innovative companies.

World Health Summit Regional Meeting

Visiting Program in Washington, DC with the Members of Bundestag Hermann Gröhe and Dr. Georg Kippels

Hermann Gröhe, Vice Chairman of the CDU/CSU Parliamentary Group, former Federal Minister of Health and Vice Chairman of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung visited Washington, DC on the occasion of the World Health Summit Regional Meeting. He was accompanied by fellow Bundestag Member Dr. Georg Kippels, Member of the Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development, the Health Committee, and the Subcommittee on Global Health.

Neues Büro der KAS in Washington eröffnet

Eine neue Heimat für die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in den USA: Mit einem Empfang hat das Auslandsbüro Washington seine neuen Räume eingeweiht.

Deutschland, Europäische Verteidigungsinitiativen und die NATO

Workshop der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Kooperation mit dem German Marshall Fund of the United States in Washington D.C.

Experten aus Europa diskutieren gemeinsam mit US-Außen- und Sicherheitsexperten aktuelle Herausforderungen der europäischen Sicherheitspolitik und die Zukunft transatlantischer Kooperation.

„Rights, Technology and Development“ – KAS-Büro USA beteiligt sich an der LJD Week 2019 der Weltbank

Die Law, Justice and Development Week 2019 der Weltbank fand vom 4. bis 7. November in Washington D.C. statt. Das diesjährige Thema lautete „Rights, Technology and Development“. Erstmalig hat sich das KAS-Büro USA in Kooperation mit der Weltbank an der internationalen Veranstaltung beteiligt.



In Washington und New York stehen die Auslandsbüros der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung unter neuer Leitung. In der Nachfolge von Nico Lange hat Paul Linnarz Anfang Mai das KAS-Büro in Washington übernommen. Andrea Ostheimer leitet ab August das KAS-Büro in New York. Sie beerbt Dr. Stefan Friedrich. Im Rahmen zweier Vortragsveranstaltungen hat der Vorstandsvorsitzende der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Bundestagspräsident a.D. Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert, die beiden neuen Auslandsmitarbeiter in der vergangenen Woche offiziell vorgestellt.